Jakarta Servlet

This feature enables support for HTTP Servlets written to the Jakarta Servlet 6.0 specification. You can package servlets in Jakarta EE specified WAR or EAR files. If servlet security is required, you should also configure an appSecurity feature. Without a security feature, any security constraints for the application are ignored.

If you are updating your application from using the servlet-5.0 feature to using the servlet-6.0 feature, changes in API behavior might require you to update your application code. For more information, see Differences between Jakarta Servlet 6.0 and 5.0.

Enabling this feature

To enable the Jakarta Servlet 6.0 feature, add the following element declaration into your server.xml file, inside the featureManager element:

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Standard API packages provided by this feature

  • jakarta.annotation

  • jakarta.annotation.security

  • jakarta.annotation.sql

  • jakarta.servlet

  • jakarta.servlet.annotation

  • jakarta.servlet.descriptor

  • jakarta.servlet.http

  • jakarta.servlet.resources

Supported Java versions

  • JavaSE-11.0

  • JavaSE-17.0

  • JavaSE-21.0

  • JavaSE-23.0

Platform Versions

  • jakartaee-10.0

Developing a feature that depends on this feature

If you are developing a feature that depends on this feature, include the following item in the Subsystem-Content header in your feature manifest file.

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com.ibm.websphere.appserver.servlet-6.0; type="osgi.subsystem.feature"