Application (application)
Defines the properties of an application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Indicates whether or not the server automatically starts the application. |
| A reference to top level classloader element (string). | | Defines the settings for an application classloader. |
| | | Context root of an application. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| A file, directory or url. Required | | Location of an application expressed as an absolute path or a path relative to the server-level apps directory. |
| | | |
| List of references to top level application elements (comma-separated string). | | Specifies applications that are required to start before this application can begin starting. |
| | | Type of application archive. |
| | | Enables use of Jandex index files if they are supplied in the application |
application > appProperties
Provides custom properties to an application.
application > appProperties > property
Provides a specific custom property to an application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | Provides name of the application scoped property. |
| | | Provides value of the application scoped property. |
application > application-bnd
Defines properties that apply to application bindings.
application > application-bnd > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > application-bnd > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > application-bnd > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > application-bnd > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > application-bnd > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > application-bnd > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > application-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > application-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > application-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > application-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > application-bnd > security-role
A role that is mapped to users and groups in a domain user registry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for a security role. |
application > application-bnd > security-role > group
The group for a security role.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The access ID for a subject. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the subject. |
application > application-bnd > security-role > run-as
ID and password of a user that is required to access a bean from another bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of a user required to access a bean from another bean. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. To encode the password, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | ID of a user required to access a bean from another bean. |
application > application-bnd > security-role > special-subject
Name of a special subject possessing a security role.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | One of the following special subject types: ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, EVERYONE. |
application > application-bnd > security-role > user
The user for a security role.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The access ID for a subject. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the subject. |
application > application-client-bnd
Defines properties that apply to application clients.
application > application-client-bnd > data-source
Defines a data source for an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > application-client-bnd > ejb-ref
EJB References in an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > application-client-bnd > env-entry
Defines an environment entry for an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > application-client-bnd > message-destination-ref
Message destination reference in an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > application-client-bnd > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > application-client-bnd > resource-ref
Resource references in an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > application-client-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > application-client-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > application-client-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > application-client-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > application-ext
Defines properties to extend applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Indicates whether the session context is shared between modules. |
application > classloader
Defines the settings for an application classloader.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The types of API packages that this class loader supports. This value is a comma-separated list of any combination of the following API packages: spec, ibm-api, api, stable, third-party. If a prefix of + or - is added to API types, those API types are added or removed, respectively, from the default set of API types. Common usage for the prefix, +third-party, results in "spec, ibm-api, api, stable, third-party". The prefix, -api, results in "spec, ibm-api, stable". |
| List of references to top level resourceAdapter elements (comma-separated string). | | List of class provider references. When searching for classes or resources, this class loader will delegate to the specified class providers after searching its own class path. |
| List of references to top level library elements (comma-separated string). | | List of library references. Library class instances are shared with other classloaders. |
| | | Controls whether parent classloader is used before or after this classloader. If parent first is selected then delegate to immediate parent before searching the classpath. If parent last is selected then search the classpath before delegating to the immediate parent. |
| List of references to top level library elements (comma-separated string). | | List of library references. Library class instances are unique to this classloader, independent of class instances from other classloaders. |
application > classloader > classProvider
List of class provider references. When searching for classes or resources, this class loader will delegate to the specified class providers after searching its own class path.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Configures whether a resource adapter starts automatically upon deployment of the resource adapter or lazily upon injection or lookup of a resource. |
| A reference to top level classloader element (string). | | Defines the settings for an application classloader. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| A file, directory or url. Required | | Defines the path of the RAR file to install. |
| | | Enables use of Jandex index files if they are supplied in the application |
application > classloader > classProvider > appProperties
Provides custom properties to an application.
application > classloader > classProvider > appProperties > property
Provides a specific custom property to an application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | Provides name of the application scoped property. |
| | | Provides value of the application scoped property. |
application > classloader > classProvider > customize
Customizes the configuration properties element for the activation specification, administered object, or connection factory with the specified interface and/or implementation class.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Fully qualified implementation class name for which the configuration properties element should be customized. |
| | | Fully qualified interface class name for which the configuration properties element should be customized. |
| | | Overrides the default suffix for the configuration properties element. For example, "CustomConnectionFactory" in properties.rarModule1.CustomConnectionFactory. The suffix is useful to disambiguate when multiple types of connection factories, administered objects, or endpoint activations are provided by a resource adapter. If a configuration properties element customization omits the suffix or leaves it blank, no suffix is used. |
application > classloader > classProvider > web-ext
Extension properties for web applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Determines whether requests are automatically encoded. |
| | | Determines whether responses are automatically encoded. |
| | | Determines whether filters are loaded automatially. |
| | | Defines the context root for a web application. |
| | | Specifies a page to be used as the default error page for a web application. |
enable-directory-browsing | | | Specifies whether directory browsing is enabled for this web application. |
| | | Specifies whether file serving is enabled for this web application. |
enable-serving-servlets-by-class-name | | | Enables serving servlets by classname. |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
| | | Specifies whether JSP pages are compiled when the web application starts. |
application > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > file-serving-attribute
Specifies whether the web application allows files to be served.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > invoker-attribute
Specifies attributes for an invoker.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > jsp-attribute
Specifies attributes that affect JSP behavior.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > mime-filter
Properties for a MIME filter.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The type for the mime filter. |
| | | The target for the mime filter. |
application > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > resource-ref
Properties for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies whether loose or tight coupling is used. |
| | | Defines the commit priority for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | Defines the transaction isolation level. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd
Web service bindings are used to customize web services endpoints and configure security settings for both web services providers and web service clients.
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing
HTTP publishing is used to specify the publishing configurations when using HTTP protocol for all the web services endpoints.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The context root attribute is used to specify the context root of the EJB module in an EJB-based JAX-WS application. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security
The web service security element is used to configure role-based authorization for POJO web services and EJB-based web services.
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > login-config
A login configuration attribute is used to configure the authentication method and realm name, and takes effect only for the EJB-based web services in a JAR file. If the same attribute is specified in the deployment descriptor file, the value from the deployment descriptor is used.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The authorization method is used to configure the authentication mechanism for a web application. |
| | | The realm name element specifies the realm name to use in HTTP Basic authorization |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > login-config > form-login-config
The form login configuration element specifies the login and error pages that should be used in form based login. If form based authentication is not used, these elements are ignored.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The form-error-page element defines the location in the web app where the error page that is displayed when login is not successful can be found. The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted relative to the root of the WAR. |
| | | The form login page element defines the location in the web app where the page that can be used for login can be found. The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted relative to the root of the WAR. |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint
Security constraint attributes are used to associate security constraints with one or more web resource collections. Security constraints only work as complementary configuration to the deployment descriptors or annotations in web applications.
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > auth-constraint
The authorization constraint element is used to specify the user roles that should be permitted access a resource collection.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| string This is specified as a child element rather than as an XML attribute. | | The role name for an authorization constraint should correspond with the role name of a security role defined in the deployment descriptor. |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > user-data-constraint
The user data constraint element is used to define how data communicated between the client and a container should be protected.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The transport guarantee specifies how communication between the client and should take place. If the value is INTEGRAL, the application requires that the data should not change in transit. If the value is CONFIDENTIAL, data should be confidential in transit. The value of NONE indicates that there is not transport guarantee. |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > web-resource-collection
The web resource collection element is used to identify resources for a security constraint.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the HTTP method to which a security constraint applies |
| | | Specifies an HTTP method to which a security constraint should not apply |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | A URL pattern is used to identify a set of resources in a web resource collection. |
| | | The name of a web resource collection |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-role
A security role attribute contains the definition of a security role. It only works as complementary configuration to the deployment descriptors or annotations in web applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The role name for an authorization constraint should correspond with the role name of a security role defined in the deployment descriptor. |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > service-ref
The service reference element is used to define the web services reference configurations for a web services client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The component name attribute is used to specify the EJB bean name if the service reference is used in an EJB module. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name attribute is used to specify the name of a web services reference. |
| | | The port address attribute is used to specify the address of the web services port if the referenced web services has only one port. |
| | | The WSDL location attribute is used to specify the URL of a WSDL location to be overridden. |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > service-ref > port
The port element is used to define port configurations that are associated with the web services reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The address attribute is used to specify the address for the web services port and override the value of port-address attribute that is defined in the service-ref element. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The key alias attribute is used to specify the alias of a client certificate. If the attribute is not specified and the web service provider supports the client certificate then the first certificate in the keystore is used as the value of this attribute. The attribute can also override the clientKeyAlias attribute that is defined in the ssl element of the server.xml file. |
| | | The port name is used to specify the name of the web services port. |
| | | The namespace attribute is used to specify the namespace of the web services port. The binding is applied to the port that has the same name and namespace. Otherwise, the binding is applied to the port that has the same name. |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | The password attribute is used to specify the password for basic authentication. The password can be encoded. |
| | | The SSL reference attribute refers to an ssl element defined in the server.xml file. If the attribute is not specified but the server supports transport level security the service client uses the default SSL configuration. |
| | | The user name attribute is used to specify the user name for basic authentication. |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > service-ref > port > properties
The properties element is used to define the properties for a web services endpoint or client. The attributes can have any name and any value.
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > service-ref > properties
The properties element is used to define the properties for a web services endpoint or client. The attributes can have any name and any value.
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > webservice-endpoint
A web service endpoint is used to specify the binding for a specified service instance.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Address is used to specify the overridden address of a service endpoint. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The port component name is used to specify the name of a port component. |
application > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > webservice-endpoint-properties
Web service endpoint properties are used to define the default properties for all the web services endpoints in the same module.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > classloader > commonLibrary
List of library references. Library class instances are shared with other classloaders.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The types of API packages that this class loader supports. This value is a comma-separated list of any combination of the following API packages: spec, ibm-api, api, stable, third-party. |
| | | Description of shared library for administrators |
| List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). | | |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | Name of shared library for administrators |
application > classloader > commonLibrary > file
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The path to a file can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
application > classloader > commonLibrary > fileset
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true). |
| | | The base directory to search for files. |
| | | The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *). |
| A period of time with millisecond precision | | The scanning interval to determine whether files are added or removed from the fileset. The individual files are not scanned. The suffix for the interval of time is h-hour, m-minute, s-second, and ms-millisecond, for example, 2ms or 5s. The scanning interval is disabled by default and is disabled manually by setting the scan interval, scanInterval, to 0. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. You can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds. |
application > classloader > commonLibrary > folder
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| Path to a directory Required | | The path to a folder can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > classloader > commonLibrary > path
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| A file, directory or url. Required | | The path can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
application > classloader > privateLibrary
List of library references. Library class instances are unique to this classloader, independent of class instances from other classloaders.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The types of API packages that this class loader supports. This value is a comma-separated list of any combination of the following API packages: spec, ibm-api, api, stable, third-party. |
| | | Description of shared library for administrators |
| List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). | | |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | Name of shared library for administrators |
application > classloader > privateLibrary > file
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The path to a file can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
application > classloader > privateLibrary > fileset
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true). |
| | | The base directory to search for files. |
| | | The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *). |
| A period of time with millisecond precision | | The scanning interval to determine whether files are added or removed from the fileset. The individual files are not scanned. The suffix for the interval of time is h-hour, m-minute, s-second, and ms-millisecond, for example, 2ms or 5s. The scanning interval is disabled by default and is disabled manually by setting the scan interval, scanInterval, to 0. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. You can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds. |
application > classloader > privateLibrary > folder
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| Path to a directory Required | | The path to a folder can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > classloader > privateLibrary > path
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| A file, directory or url. Required | | The path can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd
The EJB binding descriptor defines binding information for an EJB module.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor
Binding properties for interceptors.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The class name for the interceptor. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-destination
Binding properties for message destinations.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name of the message destination. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the message destination. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven
Binding properties for message driven beans.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the enterprise bean. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > jca-adapter
Defines a JCA adapter for a message driven bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
activation-spec-auth-alias | | | Specifies the authentication alias for an activation specification. |
activation-spec-binding-name | | | Specifies the binding name for an activation specification. |
| | | Specifies the destination binding name for a JCA adapter. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session
Binding properties for session beans.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The component ID for a session bean. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The local home binding name for a session bean. |
| | | The name for the enterprise bean. |
| | | The remote home binding name for a session bean. |
| | | Specifies the simple binding name for a session bean. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > interface
Specifies a session interface.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies a binding name for an interface. |
| | | The class name for the interface. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > ejb-jar-ext
Extension properties for EJB applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven
Extension properties for message driven beans.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the enterprise bean. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > bean-cache
Cache settings for an EJB.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the point at which an EJB is placed in the cache. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > global-transaction
Specifies global transactions for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Determines whether to send the web services atomic transaction on outgoing requests. |
| | | Specifies the timeout for the global transaction. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > local-transaction
Specifies local transactions for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | Defines a resolver for the local transaction. The value can be either APPLICATION or CONTAINER_AT_BOUNDARY. |
| | | Defines whether the local transaction is shareable. |
| | | Defines the behavor for unresolved actions. The value can be either ROLLBACK or COMMIT. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > resource-ref
Specifies resource references for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies whether loose or tight coupling is used. |
| | | Defines the commit priority for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | Defines the transaction isolation level. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > start-at-app-start
Controls whether the bean starts at application start.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The value of the start at application start property. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > session
Extension properties for session beans.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the enterprise bean. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > session > bean-cache
Cache settings for an EJB.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the point at which an EJB is placed in the cache. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > session > global-transaction
Specifies global transactions for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Determines whether to send the web services atomic transaction on outgoing requests. |
| | | Specifies the timeout for the global transaction. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > session > local-transaction
Specifies local transactions for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | Defines a resolver for the local transaction. The value can be either APPLICATION or CONTAINER_AT_BOUNDARY. |
| | | Defines whether the local transaction is shareable. |
| | | Defines the behavor for unresolved actions. The value can be either ROLLBACK or COMMIT. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > session > resource-ref
Specifies resource references for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies whether loose or tight coupling is used. |
| | | Defines the commit priority for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | Defines the transaction isolation level. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > session > start-at-app-start
Controls whether the bean starts at application start.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The value of the start at application start property. |
application > ejb-jar-ext > session > time-out
Specifies a time out value for the session bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A period of time with second precision | | The value for the time out. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. You can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. |
application > managed-bean-bnd
Specifies the bindings for a managed bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor
Defines interceptors for the managed bean binding.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The class name for the interceptor. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean
Specifies the managed bean for this binding.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the class name for a managed bean. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > resourceAdapter
Specifies configuration for a resource adapter that is embedded in an application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Overrides the default identifier for the resource adapter. The identifier is used in the name of the resource adapter's configuration properties element, which in turn is used in determining the name of configuration properties elements for any resources provided by the resource adapter. The resource adapter's configuration properties element name has the format, properties.<APP_NAME>.<ALIAS>, where <APP_NAME> is the name of the application and <ALIAS> is the configured alias. If unspecified, the alias defaults to the module name of the resource adapter. |
| | | Configures whether a resource adapter starts automatically upon deployment of the resource adapter or lazily upon injection or lookup of a resource. |
| A reference to top level contextService element (string). | | Configures how context is captured and propagated to threads. |
| | | Identifies the name of the embedded resource adapter module to which this configuration applies. |
application > resourceAdapter > contextService
Configures how context is captured and propagated to threads.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | |
| | | Determines the action to take in response to configuration errors. For example, if securityContext is configured for this contextService, but the security feature is not enabled, then onError determines whether to fail, raise a warning, or ignore the parts of the configuration which are incorrect. FAIL Server will issue a warning or error message on the first error occurrence and then stop the server. IGNORE Server will not issue any warning and error messages when it incurs a configuration error. WARN Server will issue warning and error messages when it incurs a configuration error. |
| A reference to top level contextService element (string). | | Specifies a base context service from which to inherit context that is not already defined on this context service. |
application > resourceAdapter > contextService > baseContext
Specifies a base context service from which to inherit context that is not already defined on this context service.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | Determines the action to take in response to configuration errors. For example, if securityContext is configured for this contextService, but the security feature is not enabled, then onError determines whether to fail, raise a warning, or ignore the parts of the configuration which are incorrect. FAIL Server will issue a warning or error message on the first error occurrence and then stop the server. IGNORE Server will not issue any warning and error messages when it incurs a configuration error. WARN Server will issue warning and error messages when it incurs a configuration error. |
| A reference to top level contextService element (string). | | Specifies a base context service from which to inherit context that is not already defined on this context service. |
application > resourceAdapter > contextService > baseContext > classloaderContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > resourceAdapter > contextService > baseContext > jeeMetadataContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > resourceAdapter > contextService > baseContext > securityContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > resourceAdapter > contextService > classloaderContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > resourceAdapter > contextService > jeeMetadataContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > resourceAdapter > contextService > securityContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > resourceAdapter > customize
Customizes the configuration properties element for the activation specification, administered object, or connection factory with the specified interface and/or implementation class.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Fully qualified implementation class name for which the configuration properties element should be customized. |
| | | Fully qualified interface class name for which the configuration properties element should be customized. |
| | | Overrides the default suffix for the configuration properties element. For example, "CustomConnectionFactory" in properties.rarModule1.CustomConnectionFactory. The suffix is useful to disambiguate when multiple types of connection factories, administered objects, or endpoint activations are provided by a resource adapter. If a configuration properties element customization omits the suffix or leaves it blank, no suffix is used. |
Specifies applications that are required to start before this application can begin starting.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Indicates whether or not the server automatically starts the application. |
| A reference to top level classloader element (string). | | Defines the settings for an application classloader. |
| | | Context root of an application. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| A file, directory or url. Required | | Location of an application expressed as an absolute path or a path relative to the server-level apps directory. |
| | | |
| List of references to top level application elements (comma-separated string). | | Specifies applications that are required to start before this application can begin starting. |
| | | Type of application archive. |
| | | Enables use of Jandex index files if they are supplied in the application |
application > startAfter > appProperties
Provides custom properties to an application.
application > startAfter > appProperties > property
Provides a specific custom property to an application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | Provides name of the application scoped property. |
| | | Provides value of the application scoped property. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd
Defines properties that apply to application bindings.
application > startAfter > application-bnd > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > security-role
A role that is mapped to users and groups in a domain user registry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for a security role. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > security-role > group
The group for a security role.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The access ID for a subject. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the subject. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > security-role > run-as
ID and password of a user that is required to access a bean from another bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of a user required to access a bean from another bean. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. To encode the password, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | ID of a user required to access a bean from another bean. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > security-role > special-subject
Name of a special subject possessing a security role.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | One of the following special subject types: ALL_AUTHENTICATED_USERS, EVERYONE. |
application > startAfter > application-bnd > security-role > user
The user for a security role.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The access ID for a subject. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the subject. |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd
Defines properties that apply to application clients.
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > data-source
Defines a data source for an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > ejb-ref
EJB References in an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > env-entry
Defines an environment entry for an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > message-destination-ref
Message destination reference in an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > resource-ref
Resource references in an application client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > startAfter > application-client-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > startAfter > application-ext
Defines properties to extend applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Indicates whether the session context is shared between modules. |
application > startAfter > classloader
Defines the settings for an application classloader.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The types of API packages that this class loader supports. This value is a comma-separated list of any combination of the following API packages: spec, ibm-api, api, stable, third-party. If a prefix of + or - is added to API types, those API types are added or removed, respectively, from the default set of API types. Common usage for the prefix, +third-party, results in "spec, ibm-api, api, stable, third-party". The prefix, -api, results in "spec, ibm-api, stable". |
| List of references to top level resourceAdapter elements (comma-separated string). | | List of class provider references. When searching for classes or resources, this class loader will delegate to the specified class providers after searching its own class path. |
| List of references to top level library elements (comma-separated string). | | List of library references. Library class instances are shared with other classloaders. |
| | | Controls whether parent classloader is used before or after this classloader. If parent first is selected then delegate to immediate parent before searching the classpath. If parent last is selected then search the classpath before delegating to the immediate parent. |
| List of references to top level library elements (comma-separated string). | | List of library references. Library class instances are unique to this classloader, independent of class instances from other classloaders. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider
List of class provider references. When searching for classes or resources, this class loader will delegate to the specified class providers after searching its own class path.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Configures whether a resource adapter starts automatically upon deployment of the resource adapter or lazily upon injection or lookup of a resource. |
| A reference to top level classloader element (string). | | Defines the settings for an application classloader. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| A file, directory or url. Required | | Defines the path of the RAR file to install. |
| | | Enables use of Jandex index files if they are supplied in the application |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > appProperties
Provides custom properties to an application.
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > appProperties > property
Provides a specific custom property to an application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | Provides name of the application scoped property. |
| | | Provides value of the application scoped property. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > customize
Customizes the configuration properties element for the activation specification, administered object, or connection factory with the specified interface and/or implementation class.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Fully qualified implementation class name for which the configuration properties element should be customized. |
| | | Fully qualified interface class name for which the configuration properties element should be customized. |
| | | Overrides the default suffix for the configuration properties element. For example, "CustomConnectionFactory" in properties.rarModule1.CustomConnectionFactory. The suffix is useful to disambiguate when multiple types of connection factories, administered objects, or endpoint activations are provided by a resource adapter. If a configuration properties element customization omits the suffix or leaves it blank, no suffix is used. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > web-ext
Extension properties for web applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Determines whether requests are automatically encoded. |
| | | Determines whether responses are automatically encoded. |
| | | Determines whether filters are loaded automatially. |
| | | Defines the context root for a web application. |
| | | Specifies a page to be used as the default error page for a web application. |
enable-directory-browsing | | | Specifies whether directory browsing is enabled for this web application. |
| | | Specifies whether file serving is enabled for this web application. |
enable-serving-servlets-by-class-name | | | Enables serving servlets by classname. |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
| | | Specifies whether JSP pages are compiled when the web application starts. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > file-serving-attribute
Specifies whether the web application allows files to be served.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > invoker-attribute
Specifies attributes for an invoker.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > jsp-attribute
Specifies attributes that affect JSP behavior.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > mime-filter
Properties for a MIME filter.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The type for the mime filter. |
| | | The target for the mime filter. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > web-ext > resource-ref
Properties for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies whether loose or tight coupling is used. |
| | | Defines the commit priority for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | Defines the transaction isolation level. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd
Web service bindings are used to customize web services endpoints and configure security settings for both web services providers and web service clients.
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing
HTTP publishing is used to specify the publishing configurations when using HTTP protocol for all the web services endpoints.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The context root attribute is used to specify the context root of the EJB module in an EJB-based JAX-WS application. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security
The web service security element is used to configure role-based authorization for POJO web services and EJB-based web services.
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > login-config
A login configuration attribute is used to configure the authentication method and realm name, and takes effect only for the EJB-based web services in a JAR file. If the same attribute is specified in the deployment descriptor file, the value from the deployment descriptor is used.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The authorization method is used to configure the authentication mechanism for a web application. |
| | | The realm name element specifies the realm name to use in HTTP Basic authorization |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > login-config > form-login-config
The form login configuration element specifies the login and error pages that should be used in form based login. If form based authentication is not used, these elements are ignored.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The form-error-page element defines the location in the web app where the error page that is displayed when login is not successful can be found. The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted relative to the root of the WAR. |
| | | The form login page element defines the location in the web app where the page that can be used for login can be found. The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted relative to the root of the WAR. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint
Security constraint attributes are used to associate security constraints with one or more web resource collections. Security constraints only work as complementary configuration to the deployment descriptors or annotations in web applications.
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > auth-constraint
The authorization constraint element is used to specify the user roles that should be permitted access a resource collection.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| string This is specified as a child element rather than as an XML attribute. | | The role name for an authorization constraint should correspond with the role name of a security role defined in the deployment descriptor. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > user-data-constraint
The user data constraint element is used to define how data communicated between the client and a container should be protected.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The transport guarantee specifies how communication between the client and should take place. If the value is INTEGRAL, the application requires that the data should not change in transit. If the value is CONFIDENTIAL, data should be confidential in transit. The value of NONE indicates that there is not transport guarantee. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > web-resource-collection
The web resource collection element is used to identify resources for a security constraint.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the HTTP method to which a security constraint applies |
| | | Specifies an HTTP method to which a security constraint should not apply |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | A URL pattern is used to identify a set of resources in a web resource collection. |
| | | The name of a web resource collection |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-role
A security role attribute contains the definition of a security role. It only works as complementary configuration to the deployment descriptors or annotations in web applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The role name for an authorization constraint should correspond with the role name of a security role defined in the deployment descriptor. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > service-ref
The service reference element is used to define the web services reference configurations for a web services client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The component name attribute is used to specify the EJB bean name if the service reference is used in an EJB module. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name attribute is used to specify the name of a web services reference. |
| | | The port address attribute is used to specify the address of the web services port if the referenced web services has only one port. |
| | | The WSDL location attribute is used to specify the URL of a WSDL location to be overridden. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > service-ref > port
The port element is used to define port configurations that are associated with the web services reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The address attribute is used to specify the address for the web services port and override the value of port-address attribute that is defined in the service-ref element. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The key alias attribute is used to specify the alias of a client certificate. If the attribute is not specified and the web service provider supports the client certificate then the first certificate in the keystore is used as the value of this attribute. The attribute can also override the clientKeyAlias attribute that is defined in the ssl element of the server.xml file. |
| | | The port name is used to specify the name of the web services port. |
| | | The namespace attribute is used to specify the namespace of the web services port. The binding is applied to the port that has the same name and namespace. Otherwise, the binding is applied to the port that has the same name. |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | The password attribute is used to specify the password for basic authentication. The password can be encoded. |
| | | The SSL reference attribute refers to an ssl element defined in the server.xml file. If the attribute is not specified but the server supports transport level security the service client uses the default SSL configuration. |
| | | The user name attribute is used to specify the user name for basic authentication. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > service-ref > port > properties
The properties element is used to define the properties for a web services endpoint or client. The attributes can have any name and any value.
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > service-ref > properties
The properties element is used to define the properties for a web services endpoint or client. The attributes can have any name and any value.
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > webservice-endpoint
A web service endpoint is used to specify the binding for a specified service instance.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Address is used to specify the overridden address of a service endpoint. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The port component name is used to specify the name of a port component. |
application > startAfter > classloader > classProvider > webservices-bnd > webservice-endpoint-properties
Web service endpoint properties are used to define the default properties for all the web services endpoints in the same module.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > classloader > commonLibrary
List of library references. Library class instances are shared with other classloaders.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The types of API packages that this class loader supports. This value is a comma-separated list of any combination of the following API packages: spec, ibm-api, api, stable, third-party. |
| | | Description of shared library for administrators |
| List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). | | |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | Name of shared library for administrators |
application > startAfter > classloader > commonLibrary > file
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The path to a file can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
application > startAfter > classloader > commonLibrary > fileset
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true). |
| | | The base directory to search for files. |
| | | The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *). |
| A period of time with millisecond precision | | The scanning interval to determine whether files are added or removed from the fileset. The individual files are not scanned. The suffix for the interval of time is h-hour, m-minute, s-second, and ms-millisecond, for example, 2ms or 5s. The scanning interval is disabled by default and is disabled manually by setting the scan interval, scanInterval, to 0. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. You can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds. |
application > startAfter > classloader > commonLibrary > folder
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| Path to a directory Required | | The path to a folder can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > classloader > commonLibrary > path
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| A file, directory or url. Required | | The path can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
application > startAfter > classloader > privateLibrary
List of library references. Library class instances are unique to this classloader, independent of class instances from other classloaders.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The types of API packages that this class loader supports. This value is a comma-separated list of any combination of the following API packages: spec, ibm-api, api, stable, third-party. |
| | | Description of shared library for administrators |
| List of references to top level fileset elements (comma-separated string). | | |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | Name of shared library for administrators |
application > startAfter > classloader > privateLibrary > file
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The path to a file can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
application > startAfter > classloader > privateLibrary > fileset
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Boolean to indicate whether or not the search should be case sensitive (default: true). |
| | | The base directory to search for files. |
| | | The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to exclude from the search results, by default no files are excluded. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The comma or space separated list of file name patterns to include in the search results (default: *). |
| A period of time with millisecond precision | | The scanning interval to determine whether files are added or removed from the fileset. The individual files are not scanned. The suffix for the interval of time is h-hour, m-minute, s-second, and ms-millisecond, for example, 2ms or 5s. The scanning interval is disabled by default and is disabled manually by setting the scan interval, scanInterval, to 0. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), or milliseconds (ms). For example, specify 500 milliseconds as 500ms. You can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1s500ms is equivalent to 1.5 seconds. |
application > startAfter > classloader > privateLibrary > folder
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| Path to a directory Required | | The path to a folder can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > classloader > privateLibrary > path
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| A file, directory or url. Required | | The path can be a fully qualified path or a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the value of the ${server.config.dir} property. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd
The EJB binding descriptor defines binding information for an EJB module.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor
Binding properties for interceptors.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The class name for the interceptor. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-destination
Binding properties for message destinations.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name of the message destination. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the message destination. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven
Binding properties for message driven beans.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the enterprise bean. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > jca-adapter
Defines a JCA adapter for a message driven bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
activation-spec-auth-alias | | | Specifies the authentication alias for an activation specification. |
activation-spec-binding-name | | | Specifies the binding name for an activation specification. |
| | | Specifies the destination binding name for a JCA adapter. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > message-driven > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session
Binding properties for session beans.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The component ID for a session bean. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The local home binding name for a session bean. |
| | | The name for the enterprise bean. |
| | | The remote home binding name for a session bean. |
| | | Specifies the simple binding name for a session bean. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > interface
Specifies a session interface.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies a binding name for an interface. |
| | | The class name for the interface. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-bnd > session > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext
Extension properties for EJB applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven
Extension properties for message driven beans.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the enterprise bean. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > bean-cache
Cache settings for an EJB.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the point at which an EJB is placed in the cache. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > global-transaction
Specifies global transactions for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Determines whether to send the web services atomic transaction on outgoing requests. |
| | | Specifies the timeout for the global transaction. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > local-transaction
Specifies local transactions for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | Defines a resolver for the local transaction. The value can be either APPLICATION or CONTAINER_AT_BOUNDARY. |
| | | Defines whether the local transaction is shareable. |
| | | Defines the behavor for unresolved actions. The value can be either ROLLBACK or COMMIT. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > resource-ref
Specifies resource references for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies whether loose or tight coupling is used. |
| | | Defines the commit priority for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | Defines the transaction isolation level. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > message-driven > start-at-app-start
Controls whether the bean starts at application start.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The value of the start at application start property. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > session
Extension properties for session beans.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the enterprise bean. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > session > bean-cache
Cache settings for an EJB.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the point at which an EJB is placed in the cache. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > session > global-transaction
Specifies global transactions for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Determines whether to send the web services atomic transaction on outgoing requests. |
| | | Specifies the timeout for the global transaction. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > session > local-transaction
Specifies local transactions for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | Defines a resolver for the local transaction. The value can be either APPLICATION or CONTAINER_AT_BOUNDARY. |
| | | Defines whether the local transaction is shareable. |
| | | Defines the behavor for unresolved actions. The value can be either ROLLBACK or COMMIT. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > session > resource-ref
Specifies resource references for this enterprise bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies whether loose or tight coupling is used. |
| | | Defines the commit priority for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | Defines the transaction isolation level. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > session > start-at-app-start
Controls whether the bean starts at application start.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The value of the start at application start property. |
application > startAfter > ejb-jar-ext > session > time-out
Specifies a time out value for the session bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A period of time with second precision | | The value for the time out. Specify a positive integer followed by a unit of time, which can be hours (h), minutes (m), or seconds (s). For example, specify 30 seconds as 30s. You can include multiple values in a single entry. For example, 1m30s is equivalent to 90 seconds. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd
Specifies the bindings for a managed bean.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor
Defines interceptors for the managed bean binding.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The class name for the interceptor. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > interceptor > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean
Specifies the managed bean for this binding.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the class name for a managed bean. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > startAfter > managed-bean-bnd > managed-bean > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter
Specifies configuration for a resource adapter that is embedded in an application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Overrides the default identifier for the resource adapter. The identifier is used in the name of the resource adapter's configuration properties element, which in turn is used in determining the name of configuration properties elements for any resources provided by the resource adapter. The resource adapter's configuration properties element name has the format, properties.<APP_NAME>.<ALIAS>, where <APP_NAME> is the name of the application and <ALIAS> is the configured alias. If unspecified, the alias defaults to the module name of the resource adapter. |
| | | Configures whether a resource adapter starts automatically upon deployment of the resource adapter or lazily upon injection or lookup of a resource. |
| A reference to top level contextService element (string). | | Configures how context is captured and propagated to threads. |
| | | Identifies the name of the embedded resource adapter module to which this configuration applies. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter > contextService
Configures how context is captured and propagated to threads.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | |
| | | Determines the action to take in response to configuration errors. For example, if securityContext is configured for this contextService, but the security feature is not enabled, then onError determines whether to fail, raise a warning, or ignore the parts of the configuration which are incorrect. FAIL Server will issue a warning or error message on the first error occurrence and then stop the server. IGNORE Server will not issue any warning and error messages when it incurs a configuration error. WARN Server will issue warning and error messages when it incurs a configuration error. |
| A reference to top level contextService element (string). | | Specifies a base context service from which to inherit context that is not already defined on this context service. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter > contextService > baseContext
Specifies a base context service from which to inherit context that is not already defined on this context service.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | Determines the action to take in response to configuration errors. For example, if securityContext is configured for this contextService, but the security feature is not enabled, then onError determines whether to fail, raise a warning, or ignore the parts of the configuration which are incorrect. FAIL Server will issue a warning or error message on the first error occurrence and then stop the server. IGNORE Server will not issue any warning and error messages when it incurs a configuration error. WARN Server will issue warning and error messages when it incurs a configuration error. |
| A reference to top level contextService element (string). | | Specifies a base context service from which to inherit context that is not already defined on this context service. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter > contextService > baseContext > classloaderContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter > contextService > baseContext > jeeMetadataContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter > contextService > baseContext > securityContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter > contextService > classloaderContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter > contextService > jeeMetadataContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter > contextService > securityContext
A unique configuration ID.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > resourceAdapter > customize
Customizes the configuration properties element for the activation specification, administered object, or connection factory with the specified interface and/or implementation class.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Fully qualified implementation class name for which the configuration properties element should be customized. |
| | | Fully qualified interface class name for which the configuration properties element should be customized. |
| | | Overrides the default suffix for the configuration properties element. For example, "CustomConnectionFactory" in properties.rarModule1.CustomConnectionFactory. The suffix is useful to disambiguate when multiple types of connection factories, administered objects, or endpoint activations are provided by a resource adapter. If a configuration properties element customization omits the suffix or leaves it blank, no suffix is used. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd
Specifies binding properties for a web application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > startAfter > web-bnd > virtual-host
Specifies the virtual host that is used for the web application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name for the virtual host |
application > startAfter > web-ext
Extension properties for web applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Determines whether requests are automatically encoded. |
| | | Determines whether responses are automatically encoded. |
| | | Determines whether filters are loaded automatially. |
| | | Defines the context root for a web application. |
| | | Specifies a page to be used as the default error page for a web application. |
enable-directory-browsing | | | Specifies whether directory browsing is enabled for this web application. |
| | | Specifies whether file serving is enabled for this web application. |
enable-serving-servlets-by-class-name | | | Enables serving servlets by classname. |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
| | | Specifies whether JSP pages are compiled when the web application starts. |
application > startAfter > web-ext > file-serving-attribute
Specifies whether the web application allows files to be served.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > startAfter > web-ext > invoker-attribute
Specifies attributes for an invoker.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > startAfter > web-ext > jsp-attribute
Specifies attributes that affect JSP behavior.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > startAfter > web-ext > mime-filter
Properties for a MIME filter.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The type for the mime filter. |
| | | The target for the mime filter. |
application > startAfter > web-ext > resource-ref
Properties for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies whether loose or tight coupling is used. |
| | | Defines the commit priority for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | Defines the transaction isolation level. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd
Web service bindings are used to customize web services endpoints and configure security settings for both web services providers and web service clients.
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > http-publishing
HTTP publishing is used to specify the publishing configurations when using HTTP protocol for all the web services endpoints.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The context root attribute is used to specify the context root of the EJB module in an EJB-based JAX-WS application. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security
The web service security element is used to configure role-based authorization for POJO web services and EJB-based web services.
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > login-config
A login configuration attribute is used to configure the authentication method and realm name, and takes effect only for the EJB-based web services in a JAR file. If the same attribute is specified in the deployment descriptor file, the value from the deployment descriptor is used.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The authorization method is used to configure the authentication mechanism for a web application. |
| | | The realm name element specifies the realm name to use in HTTP Basic authorization |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > login-config > form-login-config
The form login configuration element specifies the login and error pages that should be used in form based login. If form based authentication is not used, these elements are ignored.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The form-error-page element defines the location in the web app where the error page that is displayed when login is not successful can be found. The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted relative to the root of the WAR. |
| | | The form login page element defines the location in the web app where the page that can be used for login can be found. The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted relative to the root of the WAR. |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint
Security constraint attributes are used to associate security constraints with one or more web resource collections. Security constraints only work as complementary configuration to the deployment descriptors or annotations in web applications.
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > auth-constraint
The authorization constraint element is used to specify the user roles that should be permitted access a resource collection.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| string This is specified as a child element rather than as an XML attribute. | | The role name for an authorization constraint should correspond with the role name of a security role defined in the deployment descriptor. |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > user-data-constraint
The user data constraint element is used to define how data communicated between the client and a container should be protected.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The transport guarantee specifies how communication between the client and should take place. If the value is INTEGRAL, the application requires that the data should not change in transit. If the value is CONFIDENTIAL, data should be confidential in transit. The value of NONE indicates that there is not transport guarantee. |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > web-resource-collection
The web resource collection element is used to identify resources for a security constraint.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the HTTP method to which a security constraint applies |
| | | Specifies an HTTP method to which a security constraint should not apply |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | A URL pattern is used to identify a set of resources in a web resource collection. |
| | | The name of a web resource collection |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-role
A security role attribute contains the definition of a security role. It only works as complementary configuration to the deployment descriptors or annotations in web applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The role name for an authorization constraint should correspond with the role name of a security role defined in the deployment descriptor. |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > service-ref
The service reference element is used to define the web services reference configurations for a web services client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The component name attribute is used to specify the EJB bean name if the service reference is used in an EJB module. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name attribute is used to specify the name of a web services reference. |
| | | The port address attribute is used to specify the address of the web services port if the referenced web services has only one port. |
| | | The WSDL location attribute is used to specify the URL of a WSDL location to be overridden. |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > service-ref > port
The port element is used to define port configurations that are associated with the web services reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The address attribute is used to specify the address for the web services port and override the value of port-address attribute that is defined in the service-ref element. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The key alias attribute is used to specify the alias of a client certificate. If the attribute is not specified and the web service provider supports the client certificate then the first certificate in the keystore is used as the value of this attribute. The attribute can also override the clientKeyAlias attribute that is defined in the ssl element of the server.xml file. |
| | | The port name is used to specify the name of the web services port. |
| | | The namespace attribute is used to specify the namespace of the web services port. The binding is applied to the port that has the same name and namespace. Otherwise, the binding is applied to the port that has the same name. |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | The password attribute is used to specify the password for basic authentication. The password can be encoded. |
| | | The SSL reference attribute refers to an ssl element defined in the server.xml file. If the attribute is not specified but the server supports transport level security the service client uses the default SSL configuration. |
| | | The user name attribute is used to specify the user name for basic authentication. |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > service-ref > port > properties
The properties element is used to define the properties for a web services endpoint or client. The attributes can have any name and any value.
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > service-ref > properties
The properties element is used to define the properties for a web services endpoint or client. The attributes can have any name and any value.
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > webservice-endpoint
A web service endpoint is used to specify the binding for a specified service instance.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Address is used to specify the overridden address of a service endpoint. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The port component name is used to specify the name of a port component. |
application > startAfter > webservices-bnd > webservice-endpoint-properties
Web service endpoint properties are used to define the default properties for all the web services endpoints in the same module.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
Specifies binding properties for a web application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
application > web-bnd > data-source
Specifies the binding for a data source.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The data source binding name. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
application > web-bnd > ejb-ref
Specifies the binding for an EJB Reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the EJB reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the EJB reference. |
application > web-bnd > env-entry
Specifies the binding for an environment entry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the environment entry. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the environment entry. |
| | | The value of the environment entry. |
application > web-bnd > message-destination-ref
Specifies the binding for a message destination reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the message destination reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the message destination reference. |
application > web-bnd > resource-env-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource environment reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource environment reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource environment reference. |
application > web-bnd > resource-ref
Specifies the binding for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The binding name for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > web-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias
The authentication alias for the resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| A reference to top level authData element (string). | | The authentication alias name. |
application > web-bnd > resource-ref > authentication-alias > name
The authentication alias name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name of the Kerberos principal name or Kerberos service name to be used. |
| | | The file location where Kerberos credentials for the Kerberos principal name or service name will be stored. Also known as the Kerberos credential cache (ccache) |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | Password of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. The value can be stored in clear text or encoded form. It is recommended that you encode the password. To do so, use the securityUtility tool with the encode option. |
| | | Name of the user to use when connecting to the EIS. |
application > web-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration
Specifies custom login configuration properties.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A name for the custom login configuration. |
application > web-bnd > resource-ref > custom-login-configuration > property
Defines a property for a custom login configuration.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A description of the property. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name of the property. |
| | | The value of the property. |
application > web-bnd > virtual-host
Specifies the virtual host that is used for the web application.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The name for the virtual host |
Extension properties for web applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Determines whether requests are automatically encoded. |
| | | Determines whether responses are automatically encoded. |
| | | Determines whether filters are loaded automatially. |
| | | Defines the context root for a web application. |
| | | Specifies a page to be used as the default error page for a web application. |
enable-directory-browsing | | | Specifies whether directory browsing is enabled for this web application. |
| | | Specifies whether file serving is enabled for this web application. |
enable-serving-servlets-by-class-name | | | Enables serving servlets by classname. |
| | | The module name specifies the individual module that the binding or extension configuration applies to. |
| | | Specifies whether JSP pages are compiled when the web application starts. |
application > web-ext > file-serving-attribute
Specifies whether the web application allows files to be served.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > web-ext > invoker-attribute
Specifies attributes for an invoker.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > web-ext > jsp-attribute
Specifies attributes that affect JSP behavior.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | |
| | | |
application > web-ext > mime-filter
Properties for a MIME filter.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The type for the mime filter. |
| | | The target for the mime filter. |
application > web-ext > resource-ref
Properties for a resource reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies whether loose or tight coupling is used. |
| | | Defines the commit priority for the resource reference. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | Defines the transaction isolation level. |
| | | The name for the resource reference. |
application > webservices-bnd
Web service bindings are used to customize web services endpoints and configure security settings for both web services providers and web service clients.
application > webservices-bnd > http-publishing
HTTP publishing is used to specify the publishing configurations when using HTTP protocol for all the web services endpoints.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The context root attribute is used to specify the context root of the EJB module in an EJB-based JAX-WS application. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
application > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security
The web service security element is used to configure role-based authorization for POJO web services and EJB-based web services.
application > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > login-config
A login configuration attribute is used to configure the authentication method and realm name, and takes effect only for the EJB-based web services in a JAR file. If the same attribute is specified in the deployment descriptor file, the value from the deployment descriptor is used.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The authorization method is used to configure the authentication mechanism for a web application. |
| | | The realm name element specifies the realm name to use in HTTP Basic authorization |
application > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > login-config > form-login-config
The form login configuration element specifies the login and error pages that should be used in form based login. If form based authentication is not used, these elements are ignored.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The form-error-page element defines the location in the web app where the error page that is displayed when login is not successful can be found. The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted relative to the root of the WAR. |
| | | The form login page element defines the location in the web app where the page that can be used for login can be found. The path begins with a leading / and is interpreted relative to the root of the WAR. |
application > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint
Security constraint attributes are used to associate security constraints with one or more web resource collections. Security constraints only work as complementary configuration to the deployment descriptors or annotations in web applications.
application > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > auth-constraint
The authorization constraint element is used to specify the user roles that should be permitted access a resource collection.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| string This is specified as a child element rather than as an XML attribute. | | The role name for an authorization constraint should correspond with the role name of a security role defined in the deployment descriptor. |
application > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > user-data-constraint
The user data constraint element is used to define how data communicated between the client and a container should be protected.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The transport guarantee specifies how communication between the client and should take place. If the value is INTEGRAL, the application requires that the data should not change in transit. If the value is CONFIDENTIAL, data should be confidential in transit. The value of NONE indicates that there is not transport guarantee. |
application > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-constraint > web-resource-collection
The web resource collection element is used to identify resources for a security constraint.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Specifies the HTTP method to which a security constraint applies |
| | | Specifies an HTTP method to which a security constraint should not apply |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | A URL pattern is used to identify a set of resources in a web resource collection. |
| | | The name of a web resource collection |
application > webservices-bnd > http-publishing > webservice-security > security-role
A security role attribute contains the definition of a security role. It only works as complementary configuration to the deployment descriptors or annotations in web applications.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The role name for an authorization constraint should correspond with the role name of a security role defined in the deployment descriptor. |
application > webservices-bnd > service-ref
The service reference element is used to define the web services reference configurations for a web services client.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The component name attribute is used to specify the EJB bean name if the service reference is used in an EJB module. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The name attribute is used to specify the name of a web services reference. |
| | | The port address attribute is used to specify the address of the web services port if the referenced web services has only one port. |
| | | The WSDL location attribute is used to specify the URL of a WSDL location to be overridden. |
application > webservices-bnd > service-ref > port
The port element is used to define port configurations that are associated with the web services reference.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | The address attribute is used to specify the address for the web services port and override the value of port-address attribute that is defined in the service-ref element. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The key alias attribute is used to specify the alias of a client certificate. If the attribute is not specified and the web service provider supports the client certificate then the first certificate in the keystore is used as the value of this attribute. The attribute can also override the clientKeyAlias attribute that is defined in the ssl element of the server.xml file. |
| | | The port name is used to specify the name of the web services port. |
| | | The namespace attribute is used to specify the namespace of the web services port. The binding is applied to the port that has the same name and namespace. Otherwise, the binding is applied to the port that has the same name. |
| Reversably encoded password (string) | | The password attribute is used to specify the password for basic authentication. The password can be encoded. |
| | | The SSL reference attribute refers to an ssl element defined in the server.xml file. If the attribute is not specified but the server supports transport level security the service client uses the default SSL configuration. |
| | | The user name attribute is used to specify the user name for basic authentication. |
application > webservices-bnd > service-ref > port > properties
The properties element is used to define the properties for a web services endpoint or client. The attributes can have any name and any value.
application > webservices-bnd > service-ref > properties
The properties element is used to define the properties for a web services endpoint or client. The attributes can have any name and any value.
application > webservices-bnd > webservice-endpoint
A web service endpoint is used to specify the binding for a specified service instance.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | Address is used to specify the overridden address of a service endpoint. |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |
| | | The port component name is used to specify the name of a port component. |
application > webservices-bnd > webservice-endpoint-properties
Web service endpoint properties are used to define the default properties for all the web services endpoints in the same module.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
| | | A unique configuration ID. |