Web Container (webContainer)
Configuration for the web container.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
addStrictTransportSecurityHeader | string | Enables the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header for HTTPS responses and allows a value to be set for that header, for example: "max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains". HSTS can also be configured in the web.xml file by setting the "com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.ADD_STS_HEADER_WEBAPP" context parameter. | |
allowAbsoluteFileNameForPartWrite | boolean | When this property is set to true, the runtime treats the filename argument on the part.write method call as an absolute location, rather than saving the filename argument under the temporary location. In servlet-6.1 and later, the default value is true. In servlet-6.0 and earlier, the default value is false. | |
allowExpressionFactoryPerApp | boolean | false | Enable this property to load the ExpressionFactory that is set by the application. Enable this custom property if you use a custom EL implementation (for example, JUEL) that needs to set its own ExpressionFactory. |
allowIncludeSendError | boolean | false | Allow RequestDispatch to send errors on Include methods. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.allowincludesenderror. |
allowQueryParamWithNoEqual | boolean | This property determines how the server responds when the query parameter in a URL contains only the string name. When it is set to true, the server returns an empty string as the value for the request.getParameter(name) query. When it is set to false, the server returns null as the value for the request.getParameter(name) query. In servlet-5.0 and later, the default value is true. In servlet-4.0 and earlier, the default is false. | |
asyncMaxSizeTaskPool | int | 5000 | Maximum size of tasks in the Async task pool before automatically purging canceled tasks. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.asyncmaxsizetaskpool. |
asyncPurgeInterval | int | 30000 | Time interval to wait between each required purge of the cancelled task pool. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.asyncpurgeinterval. |
asyncTimeoutDefault | int | 30000 | Async servlet timeout value that is used when a timeout value is not explicitly specified. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.asynctimeoutdefault. |
asyncTimerThreads | int | 2 | Maximum number of threads to use for async servlet timeout processing. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.asynctimerthreads. |
copyAttributesKeySet | boolean | false | Web container will return an enumeration of a copy of the list of attributes to the servlet to avoid a concurrent access error by the servlet. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.copyattributeskeyset. |
decodeUrlAsUtf8 | boolean | true | Decode URLs using an encoding setting of UTF-8. |
decodeUrlPlusSign | boolean | Decode the plus sign when it is part of the URL. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.decodeurlplussign. For servlet-5.0 and newer Servlet features, the default value is false. | |
defaultHeadRequestBehavior | boolean | false | Restore the behavior where the HEAD request is not subject to the security constraint defined for the GET method. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.DefaultHeadRequestBehavior. |
defaultTraceRequestBehavior | boolean | false | Restore HTTP TRACE processing. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.DefaultTraceRequestBehavior. |
deferServletLoad | boolean | true | Defer servlet loading from application server startup. |
deferServletRequestListenerDestroyOnError | boolean | Enable this property to defer the ServletRequestListener destroy method call when there is an error serving the request. In servlet-5.0 and later, the default value is true. In servlet-4.0 and earlier, the default is false. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.deferServletRequestListenerDestroyOnError. | |
directoryBrowsingEnabled | boolean | false | Enable directory browsing of an application. |
disableXPoweredBy | boolean | When this property is set to true, the X-Powered-By header is not set. In servlet-5.0 and later, the default value is true. In servlet-4.0 and earlier, the X-Powered-By header is set by default. This property is configurable only in servlet-5.0 and earlier. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.disablexpoweredby. | |
disallowAllFileServing | boolean | false | Disables all file serving by applications. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.disallowAllFileServing. |
disallowServeServletsByClassName | boolean | true | Disallows the use of serveServletsByClassnameEnabled on the application server level. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.disallowserveservletsbyclassname. |
dispatcherRethrowsEr | boolean | true | Web container will re-throw errors allowing interested resources to process them. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.dispatcherRethrowser. |
doNotServeByClassName | string | A semicolon-separated list of classes by class name that are prohibited from being served. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.donotservebyclassname. | |
donotCloseOutputOnForwardForServletError | boolean | When this property is set to true, the output is not automatically closed if a servlet called from dispatch forward throws an exception other than IOException and ServletException, | |
emptyServletMappings | boolean | false | Toggle if you want to return an empty collection, instead of null, when no servlet mappings are added. The default value is false. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.emptyservletmappings. |
enableDefaultIsElIgnoredInTag | boolean | false | Always evaluate whether to ignore EL expressions in tag files. If parent JSP files have different isELIgnored settings, the setting will be re-evaluated in the tag file. The equivalent custom property in the full profile application server is com.ibm.ws.jsp.enabledefaultiselignoredintag. |
enableErrorExceptionTypeFirst | boolean | false | Web container is updated to search and use the exception-type before the error-code. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.enableErrorExceptionTypeFirst. |
enableJspMappingOverride | boolean | false | Allow the JSP mapping to be overridden so that the application can serve the JSP contents itself. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.enablejspmappingoverride. |
enableMultiReadOfPostData | boolean | false | Retain post data for multiple read accesses. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.enablemultireadofpostdata. |
excludeAllHandledTypesClasses | boolean | When this property is set to true, during startup, ServletContainerInitializer implementors that use the HandlesTypes annotation do not receive classes that are specified as HandlesTypes parameters. | |
exposeWebInfOnDispatch | boolean | false | When this property is set to true, a servlet can access static files in the WEB-INF directory. When this property is set to false, which is the default, servlets cannot access static files in the WEB-INF directory. |
fileServingEnabled | boolean | true | Enable file serving if this setting was not explicitly specified for the application. |
fileWrapperEvents | boolean | false | The web container generates SMF and PMI data when it serves static files. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.fileWrapperEvents. |
getRealPathReturnsQualifiedPath | boolean | true | Return non-null paths from the ServletContext.getRealPath(String) method, even if no resource exists at the given path. The default is true. If applications expect the getRealPath method to return null when given a path for which no resource exists, set the property to false. |
httpsIndicatorHeader | string | For SSL offloading, set to the name of the HTTP header variable inserted by the SSL accelerator/proxy/load balancer. | |
ignoreSemiColonOnRedirectToWelcomePage | boolean | false | Toggle to ignore the trailing semicolon when redirecting to the welcome page. The default value is false. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.ignoreSemiColonOnRedirectToWelcomePage. |
ignoreSessiononStaticFileRequest | boolean | false | Improves performance by preventing the web container from accessing a session for static file requests involving filters. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.IgnoreSessiononStaticFileRequest. |
invokeFilterInitAtStartup | boolean | true | Web container will call the filter's init() method at application startup. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.invokeFilterInitAtStartup. |
listeners | string | A comma separated list of listener classes. | |
logServletContainerInitializerClassLoadingErrors | boolean | false | Log servlet container class loading errors as warnings rather than logging them only when debug is enabled. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.logservletcontainerinitializerclassloadingerrors. |
maxFileCount | int | 5000 | The maximum number of files that can be uploaded by a multipart/form-data request. The default value is 5000. For unlimited file upload, set the value to -1. |
metaInfResourcesCacheSize | int | 20 | Initial size (number of entries) of the meta-inf resource cache. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.metainfresourcescachesize.name. |
parseUtf8PostData | boolean | false | The web container detects non-URL encoded UTF-8 post data and includes it in the parameter values. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.parseutf8postdata. |
redirectToRelativeUrl | boolean | false | Send redirect response to a relative URL location without processing it. Set this property to true to send redirect response without converting the URL to an absolute location. |
serveServletsByClassnameEnabled | boolean | false | Enable servlets to be accessed in a web application using a class name if not explicitly specified. |
servletDestroyWaitTime | int | 60 | Wait time in seconds for an active request to complete when the owning application is stopped. The default value is 60 seconds. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servletDestroyWaitTime. |
servletPathForDefaultMapping | string | Set the servlet path value to the request URI minus the context path. The path information is null when a servlet is used as a default mapping. The default value is true for version 4.0 or later of the servlet feature. It is false for other servlet features. When mapping is to the /* pattern, the servlet path is empty and the path information starts with a leading slash (/). | |
set400SCOnTooManyParentDirs | boolean | false | When this property is set to true, a request with an invalid path traversal is returned with a 400 status code instead of 500. The default is false. You can use this property with servlet-5.0 and earlier. For servlet-6.0 and later, the 400 response code is returned by default and this property has no effect. |
setContentLengthOnClose | boolean | true | Toggle to set content length when an application explicitly closes the response. The default value is true; however, set this value to false if an application response contains double-byte characters. |
setHtmlContentTypeOnError | boolean | true | When this property is false, the web container does not set the response content-type header during the error handling process. An application is responsible for setting the response content type. The default value (true) sets the content type to "text/html". |
skipEncodedCharVerification | boolean | false | A request is rejected if the request URI contains the %23, %2E, %2F, or %5C encoded characters. When this property is set to true, the request URI is not checked for these encoded characters. This property is available starting in servlet 6.0, and default value is false. |
skipMetaInfResourcesProcessing | boolean | false | Do not search the meta-inf directory for application resources. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.skipmetainfresourcesprocessing. |
stopAppStartUponListenerException | boolean | Some web applications depend on context listeners for setup before the web application starts. When this property is set to true, the application stops starting up when an unhandled exception is thrown from the context listeners. For servlet-5.0 and newer Servlet features, the default value is true. | |
symbolicLinksCacheSize | int | 1000 | Initial size of the symbolic link cache. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.SymbolicLinksCacheSize. |
throwExceptionWhenUnableToCompleteOrDispatch | boolean | true | Throw an illegal state exception when an asynchronous request cannot be completed or dispatched. The default is true. If the asynchronous request must complete or the dispatch method must return, even if the call does not succeed, set the property to false. |
tolerateSymbolicLinks | boolean | false | Enables the web container to support the use of symbolic links. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.TolerateSymbolicLinks. |
useSemiColonAsDelimiterInURI | boolean | false | Toggle to use the semicolon as a delimiter in the request URI. The default value is false. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.useSemiColonAsDelimiterInURI. |
xPoweredBy | string | Alternative string for the X-Powered-By header setting. The equivalent custom property in the full application server profile is com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.xpoweredby. There is no default value for this property. If the property is not set, the value of the X-Powered-By header is set to Servlet/<servlet spec version>, as defined by the Servlet specification. |