SAML Web Single Sign-On

This feature enables web applications to use SAML web single sign-on version 2.0 function.

Enabling this feature

To enable the SAML Web Single Sign-On 2.0 feature, add the following element declaration into your server.xml file, inside the featureManager element:



Default configuration

When the SAML Web Single Sign-on feature is enabled, Open Liberty provides a default SAML configuration with an ID value of defaultSP. The SAML Web Single Sign-on feature activates the following two endpoints.

  • The AssertionConsumerService URL endpoint: https://<hostname>:<sslport>/ibm/saml20/defaultSP/acs

    This endpoint on the service provider (SP) point of contact server receives assertions from the identity provider (IdP).

  • The service provider metadata URL endpoint: https://<hostname>:<sslport>/ibm/saml20/defaultSP/samlmetadata

    This endpoint provides configuration information for the SP. You can download the metadata for the SP from a browser with the SP metadata URL. You can also provide the SP metadata URL to the SAML IdP to establish a federation between the SP and IdP.

The IdP metadata file must be named idpMetadata.xml and copied to the resources/security directory on the server.

The issuer name from the SAML assertion is used as the security realm. The NameID value is used as the principal to create an authenticated subject from the SAML assertion.

The SAML AuthnRequest instance is signed with a private key in either the default keystore of the server or a keystore that is specified by the KeyStoreRef attribute in the SAML configuration. The default key alias is samlsp. This alias is used unless the keyAlias attribute is specified ion the SAML configuration. If the keyAlias attribute is not configured and the keystore contains only one private key, that private key is used in the signature.

Customize the default configuration

You can customize the defaultSP service provider by adding a samlWebSso20 element to your server.xml file and specifying a custom attribute configuration, as shown in the following example.

<samlWebSso20  id="defaultSP"
       ... />

For more information about the available configuration attributes, see SAML Web SSO 2.0 Authentication.

Specify a custom service provider instance

If you create a new SP instance and the defaultSP default instance is no longer required, you must explicitly disable the defaultSP instance. To disable the default SP instance and specify a new instance, add code that is similar to the following example to your server.xml file.

<samlWebSso20 id="defaultSP" enabled="false"/>

<samlWebSso20 id="newSP" allowCustomCacheKey="false"/>

You must specify a non-null URL-safe string as the ID value. If the id attribute is missing, the configuration element is ignored.

You can create one or more samlWebSso20 elements with different ID values. For example, if you create a new element with mySP as the ID, you effectively create a new SAML SP instance that has the following AssertionConsumerService URL: https://<hostname>:<sslport>/ibm/saml20/mySP/acs. You can also configure multiple SP and IdP federation partners by creating multiple samlWebSso20 elements and associating each of them with a unique authentication filter. For more information, see Configure SAML authentication for a subset of requests.

Configure SAML authentication for a subset of requests

You can configure an authentication filter to specify whether certain requests for protected resources are authenticated with SAML. If the request meets the criteria that are specified in the authentication filter, then the request can authenticate with SAML to access the protected resource.

<samlWebSso20 id="mySP" authFilterRef="myAuthFilter".../>

<authFilter id="myAuthFilter">
    <requestUrl id="myRequestUrl" urlPattern="/SimpleServlet" matchType="contains"/>

In this example, request URLs that contain the /SimpleServlet pattern are authenticated by using SAML SSO authentication. If the SAML Web Single Sign-On feature is enabled but no authentication filter is configured, all unauthenticated requests are processed by SAML authentication.

You can also configure multiple SP and IdP federation partners by creating multiple samlWebSso20 elements and associating each of them with a unique authFilter element. In this case, all authFilters must exclude each other. When multiple samlWebSso20 elements are configured, each element can implement single sign-on with its specified federated IdP and according to its own authentication policy and rules. The following example shows two mutually exclusive SAML configurations, each of which uses a different authentication filter to control the kinds of requests that it processes.

<samlWebSso20 id="mySP" authFilterRef="myAuthFilter".../>
<samlWebSso20 id="altSP" authFilterRef="altAuthFilter".../>

<authFilter id="myAuthFilter">
      <requestUrl id="myRequestUrl" urlPattern="/SimpleServlet" matchType="contains"/>
      <requestUrl id="excludeRequestUrl" urlPattern="/example" matchType="notContain"/>

<authFilter id="altAuthFilter">
      <requestUrl id="altRequestUrl" urlPattern="/example" matchType="contains"/>
      <requestUrl id="exclude2RequestUrl" urlPattern="/SimpleServlet" matchType="notContain"/>

For more information, see Authentication filters.

Configure a PKIX trust engine

The default trust engine for SAML on Open Liberty is the metadata trust engine, which validates a signature against information that is provided in the configured IdP metadata. Alternatively, you can use a Public Key Infrastructure X.509 (PKIX) trust engine by specifying the PKIXTrustEngine element and defining the proper trustAnchor value, as shown in the following example.

<samlWebSso20  id="defaultSP">
  <PKIXTrustEngine trustAnchor="samlKeyStore" />

The trustAnchor attribute specifies a reference to top-level keyStore element for a keystore that contains the public key to verify the signature of the SAML response and assertion.

Configure SAML Web inbound propagation

You can configure an Open Liberty server to accept a SAML token in an HTTP header as an authentication token. This feature is commonly used for a proxy or RESTful client that uses SAML on behalf of an authenticated user. You must also configure the PKIX trust engine to validate the trustworthiness of the certificate in the signature through PKIX validation. Certificates that pass this validation are assumed to be trusted.

The following example configuration demonstrates how to configure inbound propagation for the defaultSP SAML configuration by specifying the inboundPropagation attribute and the pkixTrustEngine element.

<samlWebSso20 id="defaultSP"
   <pkixTrustEngine trustAnchor="serverStore" />

Configure identity provider-initiated unsolicited single sign-on

Open Liberty SAML SP supports IdP-initiated unsolicited SSO with and without the requirement of IdP metadata on-premises. If you do not have IdP metadata, or if you intend to use unsolicited SSO to federate with multiple identity providers with one Liberty SP, you must add the following configurations.

  • Configure the PKIXTrustEngine subelement and import all the IdP signer certificates to the default truststore of the Liberty server, or to the trustAnchor location of the pkixTrustEngine configuration.

  • Configure the trustedIssuers attribute to list the issuer name of the IdP as it appears in the SAML assertion. The issuer name is used as the EntityID value in the metadata.

The following example demonstrates the server.xml file configuration to specify IdP-initiated SSO, where the IdP signer certificates are in a file that is specified in the serverStore keystore configuration.

<samlWebSso20 id="libertysp"
  <pkixTrustEngine trustAnchor="serverStore" trustedIssuers="xyz" />

<keyStore id="serverStore" password="xxxxxxx" type="jks" location="${server.config.dir}/sslTrust.jks" />

If you intend to support only unsolicited SSO, you can configure SP-initiated unsolicited SSO. This scenario is useful if the user’s security context in the SP that is associated with SAML becomes invalid. The SP can redirect the user back to the IdP to start unsolicited SSO again automatically.

Configure service provider-initiated unsolicited single sign-on

The Open Liberty SAML SP uses the configured IdP metadata to service a solicited SAML AuthnRequest instance. An Open Liberty SP can also redirect unauthenticated requests to a preconfigured login application without using an AuthnRequest instance. This scenario is useful if an application performs pre-authentication processing before a user can authenticate to the SAML IdP, or if the SAML IdP must be hidden from the Open Liberty SP.

To configure this scenario, set the loginPageURL attribute to a URL that can instruct a user to authenticate to the SAML IdP, as shown in the following example.

<samlWebSso20  id="defaultSP" loginPageURL=""/>

Configure an SP authentication session and session cookie

After the SAML assertion is verified and processed, the Liberty SAML SP maintains an authenticated session between the browser and the SP without using an LTPA cookie. The authenticated session timeout is set to the SessionNotOnOrAfter value from the saml:AuthnStatement element, if one is presented, or to the sessionNotOnOrAfter attribute, as configured in the server.xml file. The default value is 120 minutes. The session cookie name is automatically generated, and you can customize the cookie name by using the spCookieName attribute, as shown in the following example.

<samlWebSso20  id="defaultSP" sessionNotOnOrAfter="60m" spCookieName="samlCookie"/>

If you want the Open Liberty SP to create an LTPA cookie from the SAML assertion and use the LTPA cookie for subsequent authentication requests, set the disableLtpaCookie attribute to false. If you want to share this LTPA cookie with other servers, you must also set the allowCustomCacheKey attribute to false, as shown in the following example.

<samlWebSso20  id="defaultSP" disableLtpaCookie="false" allowCustomCacheKey="false"/>

If you set both these attributes to false, ensure that no SAML username is directly authenticating to an on-premises user registry that prevents a user from having two accounts.

Configure the service provider for Single Logout

The Open Liberty SAML Single Logout Service URL takes the following format: https://<hostname>:<sslport>/ibm/saml20/<SP configuration ID>/slo. You can find this URL from the Open Liberty SP metadata URL, which is https://<hostname>:<sslport>/ibm/saml20/<SP configuration ID>/samlmetadata.

For IdP-initiated single logout, no additional configuration step is required. The Open Liberty SP listens on the Single Logout Service URL and automatically responds to any single logout request.

However, Open Liberty also supports service provider-initiated single logout. When you set the spLogout attribute to true, both the ibm_security_logout URL and the HttpServletRequest.logout() method are upgraded to implement SAML single logout.

<samlWebSso20  id="sp2" ... spLogout="true"/>

Features that this feature enables

Supported Java versions

  • JavaSE-1.8

  • JavaSE-11.0

  • JavaSE-17.0

  • JavaSE-21.0

  • JavaSE-23.0

Features that enable this feature

Developing a feature that depends on this feature

If you are developing a feature that depends on this feature, include the following item in the Subsystem-Content header in your feature manifest file.; type="osgi.subsystem.feature"