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MicroProfile 6.1, Java 21, and fast startup times for Spring Boot apps on Open Liberty

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Laura Cowen on Sep 26, 2023
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This Open Liberty beta is packed full of the team’s latest standards implementation work with previews of MicroProfile 6.1 (Metrics, Telemetry, and OpenAPI), Java 21, and Jakarta Data (Beta 3) on Open Liberty. It also introduces faster startup times for your Spring Boot applications with little or no extra effort by using Liberty InstantOn; if you have any Spring apps to hand, give it a try. And there are a couple of updates that make it easier to manage security configurations in containerized environments.

The Open Liberty includes the following beta features (along with all GA features):

Faster startup of Spring Boot apps (Spring Boot 3.0 InstantOn with CRaC)

Open Liberty InstantOn provides fast startup times for MicroProfile and Jakarta EE applications. With InstantOn, your applications can start in milliseconds, without compromising on throughput, memory, development-production parity, or Java language features. InstantOn uses the Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace (CRIU) feature of the Linux kernel to take a checkpoint of the JVM that can be restored later.

The Spring Framework (version 6.1) is adding support for Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint (CRaC), which also uses CRIU to provide Checkpoint and Restore for Java applications. The Spring Boot version 3.2 will use Spring Framework version 6.1, enabling Spring Boot applications to also use CRaC to achieve rapid startup times.

The recent addition of the Open Liberty springBoot-3.0 feature allows Spring Boot 3.x-based applications to be deployed with Open Liberty. And now, with the new Open Liberty crac-1.3 beta feature, a Spring Boot 3.2-based application can be deployed with Liberty InstantOn to achieve rapid startup times for your Spring Boot application.

To use the CRaC 1.3 functionality with the springBoot-3.0 feature, you must be running with Java 17 or higher and use the crac-1.3 feature. Additionally, if your application uses Servlet, it needs to use the servlet-6.0 feature. These features are configured in the server.xml file as follows:

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With these features enabled you can containerize your Spring Boot 3.2 application with Liberty InstantOn support by following the Liberty InstantOn documentation along with following the Liberty recommendations for containerizing Spring Boot applications with the Liberty Spring Boot guide.

For more information and an example Spring Boot application using the Liberty InstantOn crac-1.3 feature, see the How to containerize your Spring Boot application for rapid startup blog post.

You can also use the crac-1.3 feature with other applications, such as applications using Jakarta EE or MicroProfile. Such applications can register resources with CRaC to get notifications for checkpoint and restore. This allows applications to perform actions necessary to prepare for a checkpoint as well as perform necessary actions when the application is restored. For more information on the org.crac APIs, see the org.crac Javadoc.

Java 21 support

Java 21 is finally here, the first long term support (LTS) release since Java 17 was released two years ago. It offers some new functionality and changes that you’ll want to check out for yourself.

As it is a milestone release of Java, we thought you might like to try it out a little early (we have been testing against Java 21 build 35 ourselves). Take advantage of trying out the new changes in Java 21 now and get more time to review your applications, microservices, and runtime environments.


  1. Download the latest release of Java 21.

  2. Get the version of Open Liberty.

  3. Edit your Liberty server’s server.env file to point JAVA_HOME to your Java 21 installation.

  4. Start testing!

Here are some highlights from new JEP changes in Java 18-21:

But perhaps the most anticipated one of all is the introduction of Virtual Threads in Java 21:

Will the impact of Virtual Threads live up to the anticipation? Find out for yourself by experimenting with them, or with any of the other new features in Java 21, by trying them out in your applications run on the best Java runtime, Open Liberty!

For more information on Java 21, see:

As we work toward full Java 21 support, please bear with any of our functionality that might not be 100% ready yet.

MicroProfile 6.1 support

MicroProfile 6.1 is a minor release and is backwards-compatible with MicroProfile 6.0. It brings in Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile APIs and the following MicroProfile component specifications:

The following three specifications have minor updates, while the other five specifications remain unchanged:

  • MicroProfile Metrics 5.1

  • MicroProfile Telemetry 1.1

  • MicroProfile Config 3.1 (mainly some TCK updates to ensure the tests run against either CDI 3.x or CDI 4.0 Lite)

See the following sections for more details about each of these features and how to try them out.

MicroProfile Metrics 5.1: configure statistics tracked by Histogram and Timer metrics

MicroProfile Metrics 5.1 includes new MicroProfile Config properties that are used for configuring the statistics that the Histogram and Timer metrics track and output. In MicroProfile Metrics 5.0, the Histogram and Timer metrics only track and output the max recorded value, the sum of all values, the count of the recorded values, and a static set of percentiles for the 50th, 75th, 95th, 98th, 99th, and 99.9th percentile. These values are emitted to the /metrics endpoint in Prometheus format.

The new properties introduced in MicroProfile Metrics 5.1 allow you to define a custom set of percentiles as well as a custom set of histogram buckets for the Histogram and Timer metrics. There are also additional configuration properties for enabling a default set of histogram buckets, including properties for defining an upper and lower bound for the bucket set.

The properties in the following table allow you to define a semicolon-separated list of value definitions using the syntax:

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Property Description


  • Defines a custom set of percentiles for matching Histogram and Timer metrics to track and output.

  • Accepts a set of integer and decimal values for a metric name pairing.

  • Can be used to disable percentile output if no value is provided with a metric name pairing.


  • Defines a custom set of (cumulative) histogram buckets for matching Histogram metrics to track and output.

  • Accepts a set of integer and decimal values for a metric name pairing.


  • Defines a custom set of (cumulative) histogram buckets for matching Timer metrics to track and output.

  • Accepts a set of decimal values with a time unit appended (i.e., ms, s, m, h) for a metric name pairing.


  • Configures any matching Histogram or Timer metric to provide a large set of default histogram buckets to allow for percentile configuration with a monitoring tool.

  • Accepts a true/false value for a metric name pairing.


  • When percentile-histogram is enabled for a Timer, this property defines a upper bound for the buckets reported.

  • Accepts a single integer or decimal value for a metric name pairing.


  • When percentile-histogram is enabled for a Timer, this property defines a lower bound for the buckets reported.

  • Accepts a single integer or decimal value for a metric name pairing.


  • When percentile-histogram is enabled for a Histogram, this property defines a upper bound for the buckets reported.

  • Accepts a single decimal values with a time unit appended (i.e., ms, s, m, h) for a metric name pairing.


  • When percentile-histogram is enabled for a Histogram, this property defines a lower bound for the buckets reported.

  • Accepts a single decimal value with a time unit appended (i.e., ms, s, m, h) for a metric name pairing.

Some properties can accept multiple values for a given metric name while some can only accept a single value. You can use an asterisk (i.e., *) as a wild card at the end of the metric name. For example, the mp.metrics.distribution.percentiles can be defined as:

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This example creates the alpha.timer timer metric to track and output the 50th, 70th, 75th, and 80th percentile values. The alpha.histogram histogram metric outputs the 80th, 85th, 90th, and 99th percentiles values. Percentiles are disabled for any Histogram or Timer metric that matches with delta.* .

We’ll expand on the previous example and define histogram buckets for the alpha.timer timer metric using the mp.metrics.distribution.timer.buckets property:

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This configuration tells the metrics runtime to track and output the count of durations that fall within 0-100ms, 0-200ms, and 0-1 seconds. These values are ranges because the histogram buckets work cumulatively .

The corresponding Prometheus output for the alpha.timer metric at the /metrics REST endpoint is:

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# HELP alpha_timer_seconds_max
# TYPE alpha_timer_seconds_max gauge
alpha_timer_seconds_max{scope="application",} 5.633
# HELP alpha_timer_seconds
# TYPE alpha_timer_seconds histogram (1)
alpha_timer_seconds{scope="application",quantile="0.5",} 0.67108864
alpha_timer_seconds{scope="application",quantile="0.7",} 5.603590144
alpha_timer_seconds{scope="application",quantile="0.75",} 5.603590144
alpha_timer_seconds{scope="application",quantile="0.8",} 5.603590144
alpha_timer_seconds_bucket{scope="application",le="0.1",} 0.0 (2)
alpha_timer_seconds_bucket{scope="application",le="0.2",} 0.0 (2)
alpha_timer_seconds_bucket{scope="application",le="1.0",} 1.0 (2)
alpha_timer_seconds_bucket{scope="application",le="+Inf",} 2.0  (2) (3)
alpha_timer_seconds_count{scope="application",} 2.0
alpha_timer_seconds_sum{scope="application",} 6.333
1 The Prometheus metric type is histogram. Both the quantiles or percentiles and buckets are represented under this type.
2 The le tag represents less than and is for the defined buckets, which are converted to seconds.
3 Prometheus requires a +Inf bucket, which counts all hits.

For more information about MicroProfile Metrics, see:

MicroProfile Telemetry 1.1: updated OpenTelemetry implementation

MicroProfile Telemetry 1.1 provides developers with the latest Open Telemetry technology; the feature now consumes OpenTelemetry-1.29.0, updated from 1.19.0. Consequently, a lot of the dependencies are now stable.

To enable the MicroProfile Telemetry 1.1 feature, add the following configuration to your server.xml:

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Additionally, you must make third-party APIs visible for your application in the server.xml:

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<webApplication location="demo-microprofile-telemetry-inventory.war" contextRoot="/">
    <!-- enable visibility to third party apis -->
    <classloader apiTypeVisibility="+third-party"/>

For more information about MicroProfile Telemetry, see:

MicroProfile OpenAPI 3.1: OpenAPI doc endpoint path configuration

MicroProfile OpenAPI generates and serves OpenAPI documentation for JAX-RS applications that are deployed to the Open Liberty server. The OpenAPI documentation is served from /openapi and a user interface for browsing this documentation is served from /openapi/ui.

With MicroProfile OpenAPI 3.1, you can configure the paths for these endpoints by adding configuration to your server.xml. For example:

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<mpOpenAPI docPath="/my/openapi/doc/path" uiPath="/docsUi" />

When you set this configuration on a local test server, you can then access the OpenAPI document at localhost:9080/my/openapi/doc/path and the UI at localhost:9080/docsUi.

This is particularly useful if you want to expose the OpenAPI documentation through a Kubernetes ingress which routes requests to different services based on the path. For example, with this ingress configuration:

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kind: Ingress
name: my-ingress
- http:
    - path: /appA
        pathType: Prefix
            name: appA
            number: 9080

You could use the following server.xml configuration to ensure that the OpenAPI UI is available at /appA/openapi/ui:

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<mpOpenAPI docPath="/appA/openapi" />

When uiPath is not set, it defaults to the value of docPath with /ui appended.

For more information about MicroProfile OpenAPI, see:

Jakarta Data beta 3: configure the data source used to query and persist data

Jakarta Data is a new Jakarta EE specification being developed in the open that aims to standardize the popular data repository pattern across a variety of providers. Open Liberty includes the Jakarta Data 1.0 beta 3 release, which adds the ability to configure the data source that a Jakarta Data repository uses to query and persist data.

The Open Liberty beta includes a test implementation of Jakarta Data that we are using to experiment with proposed specification features so that developers can try out these features and provide feedback to influence the specification as it is being developed. The test implementation currently works with relational databases and operates by redirecting repository operations to the built-in Jakarta Persistence provider. In preparation for Jakarta EE 11, which will require a minimum of Java 21 (not yet generally available), it runs on Java 17 and simulates the entirety of the Jakarta Data beta 3 release, plus some additional proposed features that are under consideration.

Jakarta Data beta 3 allows the use of multiple data sources, with a specification-defined mechanism for choosing which data source a repository will use.

To use Jakarta Data, you start by defining an entity class that corresponds to your data. With relational databases, the entity class corresponds to a database table and the entity properties (public methods and fields of the entity class) generally correspond to the columns of the table. You can define an entity class in one of the following ways:

  • Annotate the class with jakarta.persistence.Entity and related annotations from Jakarta Persistence.

  • Define a Java class without entity annotations, in which case the primary key is inferred from an entity property named id or ending with Id.

You define one or more repository interfaces for an entity, annotate those interfaces as @Repository, and inject them into components using @Inject. The Jakarta Data provider supplies the implementation of the repository interface for you.

Here’s a simple entity:

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public class Product { // entity
    public long id;
    public String name;
    public float price;

The following example shows a repository that defines operations relating to the entity. It opts to specify the JNDI name of a data source where the entity data is to be stored and found:

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@Repository(dataStore = "java:app/jdbc/my-example-data")
public interface Products extends CrudRepository<Product, Long> {
    // query-by-method name pattern:
    Page<Product> findByNameIgnoreCaseContains(String searchFor, Pageable pageRequest);

    // query via JPQL:
    @Query("UPDATE Product o SET o.price = o.price - (?2 * o.price) WHERE = ?1")
    boolean discount(long productId, float discountRate);

In the following example, we have chosen to define the data source with the @DataSourceDefinition annotation, which we can place on a web component, such as the following example servlet. We can then inject the repository and use it:

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@DataSourceDefinition(name = "java:app/jdbc/my-example-data",
                      className = "org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource",
                      databaseName = "ExampleDB",
                      serverName = "localhost",
                      portNumber = 5432,
                      user = "${example.database.user}",
                      password = "${example.database.password}")
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
    Products products;

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        // Request only the first 20 results on a page, ordered by price, then name, then id:
        Pageable pageRequest = Pageable.size(20).sortBy(Sort.desc("price"), Sort.asc("name"), Sort.asc("id"));
        Page<Product> page1 = products.findByNameIgnoreCaseContains(searchFor, pageRequest);

The dataStore field of @Repository can also point at the id of a databaseStore element or the id or jndiName of a dataSource element from server configuration, or the name of a resource reference that is available to the application.

For more information about Jakarta Data, see:

Your feedback is welcome on all of the Jakarta Data features and will be helpful as the specification develops further. Let us know what you think and/or be involved directly in the specification on github.

Support LTPA keys rotation without a planned outage

Open Liberty can now automatically generate new primary LTPA keys files while continuing to use validation keys files to validate LTPA tokens. This update enables you to rotate LTPA keys without any disruption to the application’s user experience. Previously, application users had to log in to their applications again after the Liberty server LTPA keys were rotated, which is no longer necessary.

Primary Keys are LTPA keys in the specified keys default ltpa.keys file. Primary keys are used both for generating new LTPA tokens and for validating LTPA tokens. There can only be one primary keys file per Liberty runtime.

Validation keys are LTPA keys in any .keys files other than the primary keys file. The validation keys are used only for validating LTPA tokens. They are not used for generating new LTPA tokens. All validation keys must be located in the same directory as the primary keys file.

There are 2 ways to enable LTPA keys rotation without a planned outage: monitoring the primary keys file directory or specifying the validation keys file.

Monitor the directory of the primary keys file for any new validation keys files.

Enable the monitorDirectory and monitorInterval attributes. For example, add the following configurations to the server.xml:

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<ltpa monitorDirectory="true" monitorInterval="5m"/>

The monitorDirectory attribute monitors the ${server.config.dir}/resources/security/ directory by default, but can monitor any directory the primary keys file is specified in. The directory monitor looks for any LTPA keys files with the .keys extension. The Open Liberty server reads these LTPA keys and uses them as validation keys.

If the monitorInterval is set to 0, the default value, the directory is not monitored.

The ltpa.keys file can be renamed, for example, validation1.keys and then Liberty automatically regenerates a new ltpa.keys file with new primary keys that are used for all new LTPA tokens created. The keys in validation1.keys continue to be used for validating existing LTPA tokens.

When the validation1.keys are no longer needed, remove them by deleting the file or by setting monitorDirectory to false. It is recommended to remove unused validation keys as it can improve performance.

Specify the validation keys file and optionally specify a date-time to stop using the validation keys.

  1. Copy the primary keys file (ltpa.keys) to a validation keys file, for example validation1.keys.

  2. Modify the server configuration to use the validation keys file by specifying a validationKeys server configuration element inside the ltpa element. For example, add the following configuration to the server.xml file:

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    <validationKeys fileName="validation1.keys" password="{xor}Lz4sLCgwLTs=" notUseAfterDate="2024-01-02T12:30:00Z"/>

The validation1.keys file can be removed from use at a specified date-time in the future with the optional notUseAfterDate attribute. It is recommended to use notUseAfterDate to ignore validation keys after a given period as it can improve performance.

The fileName and password attributes are required in the validationKeys element, but notUseAfterDate is optional.

After the validation keys file is loaded from the server configuration update, the original primary keys file (ltpa.keys) can be deleted, which triggers new primary keys to be created while continuing to use validation1.keys for validation.

Specifying validation keys in this way can be combined with enabling monitor directory to also use validation keys that are not specified in the server.xml configuration at the same time. For example:

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<ltpa monitorDirectory="true" monitorInterval="5m">
    <validationKeys fileName="validation1.keys" password="{xor}Lz4sLCgwLTs=" notUseAfterDate="2024-01-02T12:30:00Z"/>

To see all of the Liberty <ltpa> server configuration options see LTPA configuration docs.

Include all files in a specified directory in your server configuration

You can use the include element in your server.xml file to specify the location of files to include in your server configuration. In previous releases, you had to specify the location for each include file individually. Now, you can place all the included files in a directory and just specify the directory location in the include element.

This is important because when running on Kubernetes, mounting secrets as a whole folder is the only way to reflect the change from the secret dynamically in the running pod.

In the location attribute of the include element of the server.xml file, enter the directory that contains your configuration files. For example:

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    <include location="./common/"/>

After you make the changes, you can see the following output in the log:

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[AUDIT   ] CWWKG0028A: Processing included configuration resource: /Users/rickyherget/libertyGit/open-liberty/dev/build.image/wlp/usr/servers/
[AUDIT   ] CWWKG0028A: Processing included configuration resource: /Users/rickyherget/libertyGit/open-liberty/dev/build.image/wlp/usr/servers/
[AUDIT   ] CWWKG0028A: Processing included configuration resource: /Users/rickyherget/libertyGit/open-liberty/dev/build.image/wlp/usr/servers/

The files in the directory are processed in alphabetical order and subdirectories are ignored.

For more information about Liberty configuration includes, see Include configuration docs.

Try it now

To try out these features, update your build tools to pull the Open Liberty All Beta Features package instead of the main release. The beta works with Java SE 21, Java SE 17, Java SE 11, and Java SE 8.

If you’re using Maven, you can install the All Beta Features package using:

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You must also add dependencies to your pom.xml file for the beta version of the APIs that are associated with the beta features that you want to try. For example, for Jakarta Data Beta 3, you would include:

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For Gradle, you can install the All Beta Features package using:

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buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
apply plugin: 'liberty'
dependencies {
    libertyRuntime group: 'io.openliberty.beta', name: 'openliberty-runtime', version: '[,)'

Or if you’re using container images:

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Or take a look at our Downloads page.

If you’re using IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code, or Eclipse IDE, try our open source Liberty developer tools for efficient development, testing, debugging, and application management, all within your IDE.

For more information on using a beta release, refer to the Installing Open Liberty beta releases documentation.

We welcome your feedback

Let us know what you think on our mailing list. If you hit a problem, post a question on StackOverflow. If you hit a bug, please raise an issue.