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An IBM Open Source Project

A lightweight open framework for building fast and efficient cloud-native Java microservices.

Build cloud-native apps and microservices while running only what you need. Open LibertyTM is the most flexible server runtime available to JavaTM developers in this solar system.

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Develop cloud-native Java microservices

Open Liberty starts up fast, with a low memory footprint and live reload for quick iteration. Adding and removing features from the latest versions of MicroProfile and Jakarta EE. And with zero migration, you focus on what's important, not the APIs changing under you.

Dev mode graphic

Dev mode for fast iteration

Launch into dev mode and get coding. No more manual compiling, packaging, and deploying—we handle that for you. Get automated testing, debugger support, and a fast turn-around time in any editor.

Deploy in containers to any cloud

Containerized and deployable with fast throughput on any Kubernetes cloud. Battle-hardened and proven in production, with zero migration. Easy-to-manage configuration from development to test to production.

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Monitor microservices in the cloud

Trace your live microservices. Gather metrics and configure alerts, and browse metrics in dashboards. Consolidate and analyze logs from across your hybrid cloud.

Open Liberty integrates with the Open Source community











Elastic Search

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Open Liberty News

Check out the latest news on our blog.

The Open Liberty Japanese blog celebrates its second anniversary

The Open Liberty Japanese blog has reached its second anniversary since its launch in 2022. We will introduce the most popular articles to date and highlight the contributors who have supported us

View all blog posts

Collect Liberty audit logs with OpenTelemetry in

In this release, you can configure the MicroProfile Telemetry 2.0 feature to send your Liberty audit logs to the OpenTelemetry collector. You can then manage audit logs with the same solutions you use for other Liberty log sources.

View all release blog posts

A crew that supports you

As a member of the Open Liberty crew, you have the support and expertise of an entire community at your fingertips. Don't forget to lean on them when you have questions!

And for times that you need an extra boost, check out Open Liberty Enterprise Support from IBM.

Get Open Liberty support
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Get involved

Open Liberty thrives on users’ collaboration, contributions and creativity. We invite you to share your skills and ideas with users in this galaxy and beyond.

Here are some of our awesome contributors!

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