Install Open Liberty beta releases

You can try out new Open Liberty features before they are officially released by installing one of the Open Liberty beta releases. The beta releases include all the features and capabilities from the most recent Open Liberty release, plus new and updated features that are currently in development.

Try out new features with Open Liberty beta releases

With Open Liberty beta releases, you can try out new features and capabilities before they are included in an official release. They also help the Open Liberty development team gather feedback from the user community about proposed updates. Feedback from the user community can help the development team understand when and whether to integrate an update from a beta into a production release. Beta releases are not intended for in-production use and some updates from the beta might not be included in a production release.

New beta releases are introduced as part of the regular Open Liberty four-week release cycle. Generally, the beta release becomes available on the same day as the current Open Liberty release. For example, the release was introduced on the same day as the regular release. This beta release contained some updates that were then added to the regular release four weeks later.

For more information about the latest beta release, see the Open Liberty blog.

Install a beta features package

Open Liberty offers the All Beta Features package, which includes everything from the most recent Open Liberty release along with all available beta features. You can install this package by using Maven or Gradle build tools. Alternatively, a .zip file download for the beta features package is available on the Get started page.

Install a beta features package with Maven

To install the All Beta Features package by using Maven, add the following runtimeArtifact element to the configuration element for the Liberty Maven plug-in in your pom.xml file:

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This example installs the latest beta release that is available. For more information about the runtimeArtifact element, see the Archetypes section of the Liberty Maven plug-in documentation.

You must also add dependencies to your pom.xml file for the beta version of the APIs that are associated with the beta features that you want to try. For any beta features for APIs that are included in either the MicroProfile or Jakarta EE platforms, you can specify aggregate dependencies, as shown in the following example:

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These dependencies cover any feature that is backed by the version of the MicroProfile or Jakarta EE platform API that is declared in the version element. For more information about what API packages are provided by an individual feature, see the documentation for the feature.

For more information about using Maven with Open Liberty, see the Building a web application with Maven guide and the Liberty Maven plug-in documentation.

Install a beta features package with Gradle

To install the All Beta Features package by using Gradle, add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

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dependencies {
    libertyRuntime 'io.openliberty.beta:openliberty-runtime:+'

This example installs the latest beta release that is available.

To specify aggregate dependencies for Jakarta EE 9 or MicroProfile platform APIs, add the following dependencies to your build.gradle file:

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dependencies {
    providedCompile 'jakarta.platform:jakarta.jakartaee-api:9.0.0'
    providedCompile 'org.eclipse.microprofile:microprofile:4.0.1'

This example installs dependencies for MicroProfile 4.0.1 and Jakarta EE 9.0.

For more information about using Gradle with Open Liberty, see the Building a web application with Gradle guide and the Liberty Gradle plug-in documentation.

Enable beta features

After you install a beta features package and any necessary API dependencies, you can enable any beta feature by adding it to the featureManager element in your server.xml file. For more information about enabling and using Open Liberty features, see Feature overview.