Distributed caching with JCache

JCache is a standard Java API for caching data. Open Liberty supports the use of JCache for various application functions, including HTTP session caching, distributed authentication caching, and distributed logged-out cookie caching.

With Open Liberty, you can use JCache instead of local in-memory caches for several features. Numerous commercial and open source JCache implementations are available. Implementations that allow the cache to be distributed and shared by multiple Java runtime environments (JRE) can improve performance among groups of servers that share common data.

Configure a JCache cache for Open Liberty

The Open Liberty JCache configuration consists of three configuration elements and their associated attributes.


The cachingProvider element configures a single javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider instance, which provides mechanisms to create, request and later manage the lifecycle of configured CacheManager objects. The attributes for the cachingProvider element correspond to the parameters for the javax.cache.Caching.getCachingProvider method. A unified ClassLoader instance that is constructed from all configured libraries in the cachingProvider element is used to load the CachingProvider instance. For more information, see cachingProvider.


The cacheManager element configures a single javax.cache.CacheManager instance, which provides a means of establishing, configuring, acquiring, closing, and destroying uniquely named caches. The attributes and child elements for the cacheManager element correspond to the parameters for the java.util.Properties-javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider#getCacheManager method. For more information, see cacheManager.


The cache element configures a single javax.cache.Cache instance, which is a map-like data structure that provides temporary storage of application data. If no cache with the value of the name attribute exists for the specified javax.cache.CacheManager instance, Open Liberty attempts to create one. For more information, see cache.

Minimum JCache configuration for Open Liberty

The following example shows the minimum configuration for a JCache cache in Open Liberty, including sample values for the cachingProvider, cacheManager, and cache elements. The minimum Open Liberty configuration might not be sufficient for all JCache providers.

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<library id="JCacheLib">
    <file name="${shared.resource.dir}/jcacheprovider.jar"/>

<cache id="SampleCache" name="SampleCache">
        <cachingProvider jCacheLibraryRef="JCacheLib" />

In this example, the library element specifies the location of JCache provider file. The cacheManager element specifies the cachingProvider element, which references the configured library. The cache element encloses the cacheManager element and provides name and ID values that the configuration can be referenced from application components that use the JCache cache.

Configure JCache provider implementation and details

Some providers and caching topologies require more complex configuration. In the following example, a providerClass attribute is defined on the cachingProvider element to explicitly choose which javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider implementation is used. A uri attribute is also defined on the cacheManager element to pass in provider-specific configuration in the form of a provider-defined URI. Additionally, provider-specific properties are defined in the cacheManager element.

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<library id="JCacheLib">
    <file name="${shared.resource.dir}/jcacheprovider.jar"/>

<cache id="SampleCache" name="SampleCache">
        uri="file:///${shared.resource.dir}/jcacheconfig.xml" >

            org.acme.jcache.prop2="value2" />

            jCacheLibrarybraryRef="JCacheLib" />

If the providerClass attribute is not specified, the default javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider instance is used. You can determine the default javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider instance by checking the META-INF/services/javax.cache.spi.CachingProvider file in the JCache provider JAR file.

Configure multiple components that use JCache

If you use JCache with multiple components, you might need to define multiple JCache cache instances in the configuration. In this case, do not nest the cacheManager configuration within the cache element. Instead, define an id attribute in the cacheManager configuration and refer to it from the cacheManagerRef attribute for the cache element. The following example shows a configuration with two caches that reference the same CacheManager instance.

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<library id="JCacheLib">
    <file name="${shared.resource.dir}/jcacheprovider.jar"/>

<cache id="io.openliberty.cache.authentication" name="io.openliberty.cache.authentication"
    cacheManagerRef="CacheManager" />
<cache id="io.openliberty.cache.loggedoutcookie" name="io.openliberty.cache.loggedoutcookie"
    cacheManagerRef="CacheManager" />

<cacheManager id="CacheManager">
    <cachingProvider jCacheLibraryRef="JCacheLib" />

For more information about using JCache with your Open Liberty applications, see the following topics.