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Support for configuring multiple SSL protocols, new schemaGen wrapper for ws-schemagen.jar and more in Open Liberty

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Ryan Storey on May 10, 2022
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Open Liberty offers support for configuring multiple SSL protocols, allowing users to create a small, custom set of protocols the server can use for SSL/TLS connections. Also in this release is a new schemaGen wrapper for ws-schemagen.jar, as well as several significant bug fixes.

In Open Liberty

View the list of fixed bugs in

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Liberty support for configuring multiple SSL protocols

This feature introduces the ability to configure multiple, specific SSL/TLS protocol values on the sslProtocol attribute of the SSL/TLS configuration.

Prior to this release, only a single value could be specified for the sslProtocol attribute which either set a single protocol, like in the case of TLSv1, or multiple protocols that are user unalterable, like in the case of TLS which enables TLS v1.0, v1.1, and v1.2 protocols in IBMJSSE2. Starting with this release, a user can specify a list of specific protocols that they’d like to enable, allowing them to create small, custom set of protocols the server can use for SSL/TLS connections. One likely usecase for this is to set the value to the two cryptographically strongest protocols: TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3. Note that values that would enable multiple protocols, such as TLS cannot be included in the list.

To configure a comma separate list of protocol values can be set on the sslProtocol attribute in the SSL configuration.

<ssl id="defaultSSLConfig" keyStore="defaultKeyStore" sslProtocol="TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2" />

With this configuration of inbound connections will only accept connection from client using either TLSv1.3 or TLSv1.2. Outbound connections will be limited to the 2 protocols as well.

Add the feature to the server.xml:


New schemaGen wrapper for ws-schemagen.jar

The existing ws-schemagen.jar tool, in the wlp/bin/tools directory, is used to generate the schema for a Liberty installation and other installed product extensions.

Prior to, the way to run the tool was using the following syntax:

java [JVM options] -jar ws-schemagen.jar [options] outputFile

In this release a schemaGen script is added to the wlp/bin/tools directory. This is simply a wrapper script that executes the JAR making the syntax a little easier:

./schemaGen [options] outputFile

For more information, reference the schemaGen command documentation.

Notable bugs fixed in this release

We’ve spent some time fixing bugs. The following sections describe just some of the issues resolved in this release. If you’re interested, here’s the full list of bugs fixed in

  • JaxRS-Client fails performing PATCH-requests with Java17

    Previously, when performing a PATCH request over HTTPS, CXF was unable to perform the request. It fell back to POST. Users would receive a stack trace similar to the following:

    14/04/2022, 13:55:52:682 CEST] 0000003b f.rt.transports.http.3.2:1.0.63.cl220420220328-1303(id=151)] W java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final accessible: module java.base does not "opens" to unnamed module @51bce45d
            at java.base/java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkCanSetAccessible(
            at java.base/java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkCanSetAccessible(
            at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Field.checkCanSetAccessible(

    We have now updated the java9.options to correctly handle JAXRS PATCH requests.

  • SpringBoot application packaged with OL failed to run

    When using OL to package a SpringBoot application into a jar file, users would experience the following exception.

                       : Started Application in 2.764 seconds (JVM running for 6.19)
    2022-04-01 16:51:29.686  INFO 64794 --- [ecutor-thread-9] ConditionEvaluationReportLoggingListener :
    Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.
    2022-04-01 16:51:29.726 ERROR 64794 --- [ecutor-thread-9] o.s.boot.SpringApplication               : Application run failed Failed to load MBeanServerBuilder class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
            at ~[na:na]
            at ~[na:na]

    We’ve now resolved this issue and users should no longer experience an exception.

  • WebContainer threads hung while closing WebSockets

    Previously, closing a secure WebSocket connection that has timed out could cause a WebContainer thread to hang as follows:

    ThreadMonitor W WSVR0605W:
    Thread "WebContainer : 1" (0000020d) has been active for 17823
    milliseconds and may be hung. There is/are 1 thread(s) in total
    in the server that may be hung.
    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Object.wait(

    We’ve now fixed this issue meaning that the WebSocket should close the connection and the WebContainer thread should exit as expected.

  • JSP included jar dependency check incorrect

    When a JSP included another JSP that’s contained in a jar under WEB-INF/lib, the out of date dependency checking exhibited two problems depending on the value of jsp-attribute trackDependencies. When trackDependencies is true (default) the date check can fail causing the JSP to recompile at each call. This has the symptom of repeating messages

    SRVE0242I: [ ... ] Initialization successful.
    SRVE0253I: [ ... ] Destroy successful.

    When trackDependencies is false, there could be a NullPointerException as follows:


    Now, JSP`s should not recompile on each call unless there is a valid update of an included file, and users should no longer experience `NullPointerExceptions. This issue was caused by a failure to initialize a dependentsList when trackDependencies is false.

  • Bump netty dependencies to 4.1.75.Final

    Netty components in Open Liberty were of the version 4.1.72.Final which was released in December 2021. The latest version 4.1.75.Final contains various bug fixes and improvements over the current version. We’ve pulled in the newest Netty release (4.1.75) to ensure Open Liberty stays up to date with upstream fixes and improvements.

  • FeatureUtility isf does not resolve already installed user feature

    Since Open Liberty, featureUtility installServerFeature command failed to locate the user feature when the feature was installed to WLP_USER_DIR. We should expect the features to be installed or the user should be informed that the feature is already installed. We found that WLP_USER_DIR was being overwritten which caused issues when trying to find features which were already installed to WLP_USER_DIR. This issue has now been resolved.

  • NPE when outputting SimpleTimer close to the end of a full minute

    When the /metrics endpoint is hit and a SimpleTimer metric is being formatted there are two explicit calls made to retrieve the value of the SimpleTimer (of the min time duration or max time duration). Previously, it could be that these two calls were made before and after the completion of a full minute. This could have lead to a NullPointerException if the SimpleTimer removed the value as part of the completion of the full minute (i.e. in that the previous full minute did not record any values to update the min/max values).

    SRVE0777E: Exception thrown by application class 'io.openliberty.microprofile.metrics30.internal.helper.PrometheusBuilder30.buildSimpleTimer30:111'
            at io.openliberty.microprofile.metrics30.internal.helper.PrometheusBuilder30.buildSimpleTimer30(
            at io.openliberty.microprofile.metrics30.internal.writer.PrometheusMetricWriter30.writeMetricMapAsPrometheus(
            at io.openliberty.microprofile.metrics30.internal.writer.PrometheusMetricWriter30.writeMetricsAsPrometheus(

    We’ve patched this issue by ensuring that PrometheusBuilder does not make separate retrival of SimpleTimer max/min values but rather uses a saved value when formatting. This means that users no longer experience this NullPointerException.

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