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Retrying SQL operations in transaction recovery logs and more in Open Liberty

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Ryan Storey on Mar 15, 2022
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Open Liberty allows SQL Operations to be retried in transaction recovery logs. This release also includes several significant bug fixes. In addition, we have published a brand new Open Liberty guide on containerizing microservices with Podman! In Open Liberty

Along with the new features and functions added to the runtime, we’ve also made updates to our guides.

View the list of fixed bugs in

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Allow SQL Operations to be retried in transaction recovery logs

In Liberty, transaction services are implicitly activated when you specify features that use transactions, such as jpa-2.0, jdbc-4.0, and wasJmsServer-1.0.

When Liberty detects a failure to write to its transaction recovery logs, it invalidates the logs and disallows further global transactions. To resume transactional work, you have to restart the server and reload any applications, which can take considerable time in some cases.

Under certain circumstances, such as when the recovery log failure is caused by transient database connection errors, the condition can be handled by retrying the database operation thus avoiding the need to shutdown the server and reload the apps.

A new attribute is available for the transaction configuration element in the Liberty server.xml file that enables these transaction log SQL operations to be retried in an RDBMS. It is named enableLogRetries and should be set to true to enable retries. For example,


By default, the new functionality is disabled.

For more information about storing transaction recovery logs in an RDBMS, see Transaction log management.

Notable bugs fixed in this release

We’ve spent some time fixing bugs. The following sections describe just some of the issues resolved in this release. If you’re interested, here’s the full list of bugs fixed in

  • jsonpContainer-2.0 and jsonbContainer-2.0 features incorrectly use default providers

    The jsonpContainer-2.0 and jsonbContainer-2.0 features incorrectly used default providers. These features have been updated to include the BELLS feature and remove Liberty’s default implementations of JSON-P and JSON-B. This allows for a user to include their own third party library for these JSON technologies.

  • @RolesAllowed rejects unauthenticated users when they mapped to an allowed (EVERYONE) role

    Previously, the special-subject EVERYONE did not work correctly with the @RolesAllowed annotation on JAX-RS resources. When the special-subject EVERYONE is bound to a security-role, unauthenticated users should be considered to be in that role and should have access to the endpoints allowed for that role. The @RolesAllowed annotation would reject unauthenticated users when they were mapped to an allowed (EVERYONE) role. This issue has since been resolved.

  • JWT access token inbound propagation fails when a JWT sent as segments starts with "Bearer"

    In, JWT access token inbound propagation failed when a JWT sent as segments starts with Bearer. Liberty has support to accept multiple headers from WebSeal that include portions of a JWT access token. The first header, Authorization-segments, for example, indicates how many "n" segments follow. The rest of the headers Authorization-1 through Authorization-n contain the JWT access token. When Authorization-1 started with Bearer, the access token could not be parsed correctly for inbound propagation. If JWT segments are sent and the first header, Authorization-segments-1, starts with Bearer, it should be processed correctly as when a JWT is sent using the Authorization: Bearer.

  • OpenID Connect: Double URL Encoded State Parameter in Redirect location

    Previously, when receiving a state parameter from the relying party (RP) it appears Liberty returned the state double encoded. The issue appears to occur when processing the Liberty page to authorize the RP:
    Payload state: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    Which results in a response code 302: and a redirect location of:

    The payload state in the redirect URL is now returned in the same state as it was received.

  • Server commands not working on IBM i after checkpoint changes

    On IBM i, with the changes introduced to the server command line script, the server command with any option failed on with this error:

    server: 001-0050 Syntax error on line 1339: token "!" not expected.

    This issue has now been resolved.

  • Adding Monitor Filter increases Startup Time

    Previously, a user would experience slower startup (around 4 or 5 seconds) if mpMetrics-2.3 or newer is enabled and a monitor filter that does not include ThreadPoolStats in the server.xml. This issue is now fixed by asynchronously loading the ThreadPoolStats related MBeans in a separate thread. As a result it will not affect the sequential start-up of the bundle and hence the server.

  • Servers stop can fail in products that embed Liberty

    A long running thread was added in to gather CPU statistics. It was created as a non-daemon thread. This caused problems with stopping the server in products that embed Liberty and prevent the JVM from stopping until all non-daemon threads have exited. The server should stop cleanly. This problem was fixed by running the CpuInfo thread as a daemon.

Security vulnerability (CVE) fixes in this release

CVE CVSS Score Vulnerability Assessment Versions Affected Notes



Clickjacking vulnerability -

Affects the openapi-3.1, mpOpenAPI-1.0, mpOpenAPI-1.1 and mpOpenAPI-2.0 features.

For a list of past security vulnerability fixes, reference the Security vulnerability (CVE) list.

New and updated guides since the previous release

As Open Liberty features and functionality continue to grow, we continue to add new guides to on those topics to make their adoption as easy as possible. Existing guides also receive updates in order to address any reported bugs/issues, keep their content current, and expand what their topic covers.

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