Interface SystemEventListenerHolder

All Known Implementing Classes:
ExceptionQueuedEventContext, HtmlBody, HtmlColumn, HtmlCommandButton, HtmlCommandLink, HtmlCommandScript, HtmlDataTable, HtmlDoctype, HtmlForm, HtmlGraphicImage, HtmlHead, HtmlInputFile, HtmlInputHidden, HtmlInputSecret, HtmlInputText, HtmlInputTextarea, HtmlMessage, HtmlMessages, HtmlOutcomeTargetButton, HtmlOutcomeTargetLink, HtmlOutputFormat, HtmlOutputLabel, HtmlOutputLink, HtmlOutputText, HtmlPanelGrid, HtmlPanelGroup, HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox, HtmlSelectManyCheckbox, HtmlSelectManyListbox, HtmlSelectManyMenu, HtmlSelectOneListbox, HtmlSelectOneMenu, HtmlSelectOneRadio, UIColumn, UICommand, UIComponent, UIComponentBase, UIData, UIForm, UIGraphic, UIImportConstants, UIInput, UIMessage, UIMessages, UINamingContainer, UIOutcomeTarget, UIOutput, UIPanel, UIParameter, UISelectBoolean, UISelectItem, UISelectItems, UISelectMany, UISelectOne, UIViewAction, UIViewParameter, UIViewRoot, UIWebsocket

public interface SystemEventListenerHolder

Classes that implement this interface agree to maintain a list of SystemEventListener instances for each kind of SystemEvent they can generate. This interface enables arbitrary Objects to act as the source for SystemEvent instances.

If the implementing class is a UIComponent or is referenced by a UIComponent, care must be taken to ensure that the implementing class, and all the members of the list returned by getListenersForEventClass(java.lang.Class<? extends javax.faces.event.SystemEvent>) work correctly with the state management system. One way to ensure this is to have the class and the list members implement StateHolder or Serializable.

  • Method Details

    • getListenersForEventClass

      List<SystemEventListener> getListenersForEventClass(Class<? extends SystemEvent> facesEventClass)

      Return a List of SystemEventListener instances that have been installed into the class implementing this interface.

      facesEventClass - the class for which listeners are to be returned
      the listeners for the argument class