Class UIComponentBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, PartialStateHolder, StateHolder, TransientStateHolder, ComponentSystemEventListener, FacesListener, SystemEventListenerHolder
Direct Known Subclasses:
UIColumn, UICommand, UIData, UIForm, UIGraphic, UIImportConstants, UIMessage, UIMessages, UINamingContainer, UIOutput, UIPanel, UIParameter, UISelectItem, UISelectItems, UIViewAction, UIViewRoot, UIWebsocket

public abstract class UIComponentBase extends UIComponent

UIComponentBase is a convenience base class that implements the default concrete behavior of all methods defined by UIComponent.

By default, this class defines getRendersChildren() to find the renderer for this component and call its getRendersChildren() method. The default implementation on the Renderer returns false. As of version 1.2 of the JavaServer Faces Specification, component authors are encouraged to return true from this method and rely on the implementation of encodeChildren(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) in this class and in the Renderer (Renderer.encodeChildren(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, javax.faces.component.UIComponent)). Subclasses that wish to manage the rendering of their children should override this method to return true instead.