Class UIPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, PartialStateHolder, StateHolder, TransientStateHolder, ComponentSystemEventListener, FacesListener, SystemEventListenerHolder
Direct Known Subclasses:
HtmlPanelGrid, HtmlPanelGroup

public class UIPanel extends UIComponentBase

UIPanel is a UIComponent that manages the layout of its child components.

  • Field Details


      public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE

      The standard component type for this component.

      See Also:

      public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY

      The standard component family for this component.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UIPanel

      public UIPanel()

      Create a new UIPanel instance with default property values.

  • Method Details

    • getFamily

      public String getFamily()
      Description copied from class: UIComponent

      Return the identifier of the component family to which this component belongs. This identifier, in conjunction with the value of the rendererType property, may be used to select the appropriate Renderer for this component instance. Note this method should NOT return null

      Specified by:
      getFamily in class UIComponent
      the component family (not null).