Class HtmlCommandScript

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, ActionSource, ActionSource2, PartialStateHolder, StateHolder, TransientStateHolder, ComponentSystemEventListener, FacesListener, SystemEventListenerHolder

public class HtmlCommandScript extends UICommand

Represents an HTML script element for a function that acts like an ajax form submit. This component must be placed inside a form, and requires JavaScript to be enabled in the client.

By default, the rendererType property must be set to "javax.faces.Script". This value can be changed by calling the setRendererType() method.

  • Field Details


      public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE

      The standard component type for this component.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • HtmlCommandScript

      public HtmlCommandScript()
  • Method Details

    • isAutorun

      public boolean isAutorun()

      Return the value of the autorun property.

      the property value

      Contents: Whether to execute declared JavaScript function during load event of the window. Defaults to false.

    • setAutorun

      public void setAutorun(boolean autorun)

      Set the value of the autorun property.

      autorun - the new property value
    • getExecute

      public String getExecute()

      Return the value of the execute property.

      the property value

      Contents: This is a space separated list of client identifiers of components that will participate in the "execute" portion of the Request Processing Lifecycle. If a literal is specified the identifiers must be space delimited. Any of the keywords "@this", "@form", "@all", "@none" may be specified in the identifier list. If not specified, the default value of "@this" is assumed. For example, @this clientIdOne clientIdTwo.

    • setExecute

      public void setExecute(String execute)

      Set the value of the execute property.

      execute - the new property value
    • getName

      public String getName()

      Return the value of the name property.

      the property value

      Contents: Name of JavaScript function to be declared, e.g. name="functionName". This can be a namespaced function name, e.g. name="ez.functionName".

    • setName

      public void setName(String name)

      Set the value of the name property.

      name - the new property value
    • getOnerror

      public String getOnerror()

      Return the value of the onerror property.

      the property value

      Contents: The name of the JavaScript function that will handle errors.

    • setOnerror

      public void setOnerror(String onerror)

      Set the value of the onerror property.

      onerror - the new property value
    • getOnevent

      public String getOnevent()

      Return the value of the onevent property.

      the property value

      Contents: The name of the JavaScript function that will handle UI events.

    • setOnevent

      public void setOnevent(String onevent)

      Set the value of the onevent property.

      onevent - the new property value
    • getRender

      public String getRender()

      Return the value of the render property.

      the property value

      Contents: This is a space separated list of client identifiers of components that will participate in the "render" portion of the Request Processing Lifecycle. If a literal is specified the identifiers must be space delimited. Any of the keywords "@this", "@form", "@all", "@none" may be specified in the identifier list. If not specified, the default value of "@none" is assumed. For example, @this clientIdOne clientIdTwo.

    • setRender

      public void setRender(String render)

      Set the value of the render property.

      render - the new property value
    • getResetValues

      public Boolean getResetValues()

      Return the value of the resetValues property.

      the property value

      Contents: Reset specific input values. Interpret the value of the render attribute as a space separated list of client identifiers suitable for passing directly to UIViewRoot.resetValues(). The implementation must cause an ActionListener to be attached to the ActionSource component in which this tag is nested that calls UIViewRoot.resetValues() passing the value of the render attribute as the argument.

    • setResetValues

      public void setResetValues(Boolean resetValues)

      Set the value of the resetValues property.

      resetValues - the new property value