Class UIParameter

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, PartialStateHolder, StateHolder, TransientStateHolder, ComponentSystemEventListener, FacesListener, SystemEventListenerHolder

public class UIParameter extends UIComponentBase

UIParameter is a UIComponent that represents an optionally named configuration parameter for a parent component.

Parent components should retrieve the value of a parameter by calling getValue(). In this way, the parameter value can be set directly on the component (via setValue()), or retrieved indirectly via the value binding expression.

In some scenarios, it is necessary to provide a parameter name, in addition to the parameter value that is accessible via the getValue() method. Renderers that support parameter names on their nested UIParameter child components should document their use of this property.

  • Field Details


      public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE

      The standard component type for this component.

      See Also:

      public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY

      The standard component family for this component.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UIParameter

      public UIParameter()

      Create a new UIParameter instance with default property values.

  • Method Details

    • getFamily

      public String getFamily()
      Description copied from class: UIComponent

      Return the identifier of the component family to which this component belongs. This identifier, in conjunction with the value of the rendererType property, may be used to select the appropriate Renderer for this component instance. Note this method should NOT return null

      Specified by:
      getFamily in class UIComponent
      the component family (not null).
    • getName

      public String getName()

      Return the optional parameter name for this parameter.

      the name.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)

      Set the optional parameter name for this parameter.

      name - The new parameter name, or null for no name
    • getValue

      public Object getValue()

      Returns the value property of the UIParameter.

      the value.
    • setValue

      public void setValue(Object value)

      Sets the value property of the\ UIParameter.

      value - the new value
    • isDisable

      public boolean isDisable()

      Return the value of the disable directive for this component. This directive determines whether the parameter value should be disabled by assigning it a null value. If true, the value set on this component is ignored.

      true if disabled, false otherwise.
    • setDisable

      public void setDisable(boolean disable)

      Sets the disable property of the UIParameter.

      disable - the value for the disable flag.