Configure and Deploy Spring Boot applications to Open Liberty

You can enable Open Liberty to configure and deploy Spring Boot applications. Open Liberty also provides tools that optimize the deployment of Spring Boot applications to containers.

To enable Open Liberty to support a Spring Boot application, add one of the Spring Boot Support features to your server.xml file. When you deploy a Spring Boot application, Open Liberty disables the web container that is embedded in the application and uses the Open Liberty web container instead. You can deploy one Spring Boot application for each server configuration. Open Liberty supports deploying Spring Boot applications as JAR files or as WAR files.

The examples in the following sections use a sample hellospringboot.jar application that is similar to the finished application from the Spring Boot Building an Application with Spring Boot guide. If you are not familiar with Spring Boot, complete that guide first. The guide includes instructions to build the application as an executable JAR, which is the primary file format that is used in these examples.

Although the examples in the following sections use an example JAR application file, the Open Liberty configuration is the same for JAR and WAR files.

Deploying a Spring Boot JAR or WAR application to Open Liberty from the command line

Complete the following steps to deploy a sample Spring Boot application by manually configuring your server.xml file and running the server from the command line. To deploy a Spring Boot application to Open Liberty by using Maven, see the Containerizing, packaging, and running a Spring Boot application Open Liberty guide.

In the following steps, you create a Liberty server instance, deploy your Spring Boot JAR or WAR application, and specify the default HTTP port for the server instance. By default, Liberty deploys the Spring Boot application with the default host configuration. The example uses a hellospringboot.jar sample application and 9090 for the default HTTP port.

  1. Run the server create helloserver command from the wlp/bin directory to create a server and name it helloserver.

    Copied to clipboard
    server create helloserver

    This command creates the /usr/servers/helloserver/apps directory.

  2. Enable the version of the Open Liberty Spring Boot Support feature that your application requires by adding it to the featureManager element of the server.xml file.

    • If your application uses Spring Boot 1.5.8+, enable the springBoot-1.5 feature.

    • If your application uses Spring Boot 2.0.1+, enable the springBoot-2.0 feature.

    • If your application uses Spring Boot 3.0.4+, enable the springBoot-3.0 feature.

      The hellospringboot.jar application uses the spring-boot-starter-web dependency, which also requires you to enable a Jakarta Servlet feature, as shown in the following server.xml file example:

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      For more information about the Open Liberty features that are required to support certain Spring Boot Starters, see the Spring Boot Support feature.

  3. Copy the hellospringboot.jar application into the /usr/servers/helloserver/apps directory that the server create command created.

  4. Configure the JAR or WAR application by updating the server.xml file.

    • Specify the JAR application location by using the springBootApplication element. Configure the HTTP port for the default host to 9090 by replacing the httpPort="9080" attribute value with an httpPort="9090" attribute value.

      Copied to clipboard
      <springBootApplication location="hellospringboot.jar"/>
      <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="9090" />
    • Alternatively, specify the WAR application location by using the springBootApplication element. Configure the HTTP port for the default host to 9090 by replacing the httpPort="9080" attribute value with an httpPort="9090" attribute value.

      Copied to clipboard
      <springBootApplication location="hellospringboot.war"/>
      <httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="9090" />
  5. Start the server in the foreground by running the server run command:

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    server run helloserver
  6. Test the application in a browser at the http://localhost:9090 URL.

You deployed a Spring Boot sample application to Open Liberty. When you finish testing the application, run the server stop command.

Copied to clipboard
server stop helloserver

Deploying a Spring Boot JAR or WAR application from the dropins directory

Alternatively, you can deploy a Spring Boot application without configuring the server.xml file by using the Open Liberty dropins directory. You can use these steps to deploy either a JAR file or a WAR file.

  1. Complete steps 1 and 2 of Deploying a Spring Boot application to Open Liberty from the command line.

  2. Create a /spring subdirectory in the /usr/servers/helloserver/dropins/ directory.

  3. Copy the hellospringboot.jar or hellospringboot.war file to the /usr/servers/helloserver/dropins/spring/ directory.

  4. Start the server in the foreground by running the server run command:

    Copied to clipboard
    server run helloserver
  5. Test the application in a browser by going to the http://localhost:9080 URL.

    The default HTTP endpoint is used to service the application. When you finish testing the application, run the server stop helloserver command.

Defining Spring Boot application arguments

When you deploy a Spring Boot application to Open Liberty, you can configure application arguments to override the application property defaults. The following example uses the sample hellospringboot.jar application that you deployed to Open Liberty in the previous section.

When you start a Spring Boot application from the command line as an executable JAR file, you start with a list of command-line arguments, as shown in the following example.

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java -jar hellospringboot.jar --server.servlet.context-path=/mypath --myapp.arg=true

By default, the SpringApplication Spring Boot class converts any command-line argument that starts with dashes (--) to a property and adds it to the Spring environment.

When you deploy a Spring Boot application to Open Liberty, you can configure the command-line argument for the application with the applicationArgument element within the springBootApplication element. Use these elements when you want to override application property defaults that are included in the Spring Boot application.

In the following example, the hellospringboot.jar Spring Boot application deployment to Open Liberty is configured to pass multiple command-line arguments. The two properties that are used in the example are the Spring Boot application properties for configuring the server.servlet.context-path application context path and the spring.mvc.servlet.path Spring dispatcher servlet path.

For more information about these and other Spring Boot application properties, see Spring Boot common application properties.

  1. Find the springBootApplication element in the server.xml file of the helloserver server that you created in the previous section.

    Copied to clipboard
    <springBootApplication location="hellospringboot.jar"/>
  2. Add a command-line argument for the application with the applicationArgument element and pass the --server.servlet.context-path=/testpath1 argument to change the application context root to /testpath1, as shown in the following example.

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    <springBootApplication location="hellospringboot.jar">
  3. Start the server in the foreground by running the server run command.

    Copied to clipboard
    server run helloserver
  4. Test the application in a browser by going to the http://localhost:9090/testpath1 URL.

  5. Without stopping the server, change the context path to testpath2.

    Copied to clipboard
    <springBootApplication location="hellospringboot.jar">
  6. Test the application in a browser by going to the http://localhost:9090/testpath2 URL.

  7. Without stopping the server, add another applicationArgument element to configure the Spring dispatcher servlet path, as shown in the following example.

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    <springBootApplication location="hellospringboot.jar">

    The Spring Boot application stops and restarts with the same context path.

  8. Test the application in a browser by going to the http://localhost:9090/testpath2/mydispatcher URL.

Configuring thin Spring Boot applications

You can thin a Spring Boot application to create more efficient container layers and optimize resource usage.

A Spring Boot application JAR or WAR file is a self-contained artifact. It packages all of the application dependencies inside the final artifact alongside the application content, including an embedded server implementation, such as Tomcat, Jetty, or Undertow. The result is a fat artifact that is easy to run on any server that has a JVM. However, this result is a large artifact, even for the smallest hello world Spring Boot web application.

With a microservices architecture, the application content that is included in a Spring Boot application JAR file can be much smaller than the Spring Boot framework dependencies. A large application JAR file might be costly to deploy if your application needs frequent updates. For example, if you use Docker to deploy your application to the cloud, each time you update your application, you need to build a new Docker layer. This layer includes both your updated application content and all the Spring Boot framework dependencies. This process results in large Docker layers when you update your application in the cloud.

Open Liberty can create Docker layers that use resources efficiently when you deploy frequent updates to your microservice applications in the cloud.

The following example uses the springBootUtility thin command. This command separates the Spring Boot application content from its packaged dependencies, resulting in a thin Spring Boot application.

The examples in this section use a hellospringboot.jar file, but the procedure is the same for thinning Spring Boot WAR applications. However, after you thin a Spring Boot WAR application by using the springBootUtility thin command, the thin application must run on the Open Liberty server and can no longer run as a stand-alone WAR. Furthermore, any configuration details that are specified in the server.xml file must be defined in a springBootApplication element. The thin WAR application does not read configuration that is specified in a generic webApplication element in the server.xml file.

  1. Configure the thin Spring Boot application JAR or WAR file and the library dependencies.

    1. Deploy the hellospringboot.jar or hellospringboot.war application as explained in the Deploying a Spring Boot application to Open Liberty from the command line section.

    2. Deploy the library dependencies to the wlp/usr/shared/resources/lib.index.cache/ directory.

  2. Run the springBootUtility thin command with the necessary options to create the hellospringboot-thin.jar thin application in the dropins/spring directory of the helloserver server configuration and to cache the dependencies to the usr/servers/helloserver/apps/ directory.

    Copied to clipboard
    wlp/bin/springBootUtility thin \
        --sourceAppPath=full_path_to/wlp/usr/servers/helloserver/apps/hellospringboot.jar \
        --targetLibCachePath=full_path_to/wlp/usr/shared/resources/lib.index.cache \

    For more information about the available command-line options, see the springBootUtility thin command.

  3. Update the server.xml file to specify the location of the thin application.

    Replace the value of the springBootApplication location element to specify the hellospringboot-thin.jar application.

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    <springBootApplication location="hellospringboot-thin.jar"/>
  4. Start the server in the foreground by running the server run command.

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    server run helloserver
  5. Test the application in a browser by going to the http://localhost:9090 URL.

    When you finish testing the application, run the server stop helloserver command. After you create the hellospringboot-thin.jar thin application, you can delete the original hellospringboot.jar application.