Contributing to open source projects can seem scarier than a certain spherical, planet-destroying space station, but it doesn't have to be.
The Open Liberty community welcomes contributions at all levels. Whether you're an ensign or a seasoned commander, every user has the potential to help out.
Open Liberty is licensed under EPL-2.0.
Getting Started
Thank you for joining the Open Liberty community. We can’t wait to see what we build together! There are so many ways to contribute to Open Liberty; just be sure to check out the contributor guidelines before you blast off and start making cool stuff.
View the contributor guidelinesFix a bug
This is a current list of open, unassigned issues. See something that you might be able to help with? Show us your best solution!
View all open issuesTools and tests
Contribute to the next release by writing tests and helping craft better tools.

Contribute to developer tools
Open Liberty works with all developer tools, so use whatever you like best! However, we'll be releasing updates to Eclipse developer tools that are tailored for the newest Open Liberty releases. With your contributions, these tools will evolve alongside Open Liberty to form a perfect pairing, making your workflow smoother.
Provide a test
Testing is an essential step to having a robust, helpful release. The more high quality tests we run before a release, the more headaches we save our users in the future.
Learn the ins and outs of testing for Open LibertyThe Future of Open Liberty
Ready to go above and beyond?
If you’d like to work on new features, get up to speed with our handy guide to writing them. We also encourage you to participate in the forum to discuss upcoming features, and see where you could pitch in. And don’t forget to leave suggestions for future development items so your great ideas can be heard!
Connect with the Open Liberty crew
With Open Liberty, you can boldly go where no one has gone before… but don’t forget the rest of your team!