MicroProfile 5.0 TCK Results Summary

As required by the Eclipse Foundation Technology Compatibility Kit License, following is a summary of the MicroProfile TCK results for releases of MicroProfile 5.0.

Open Liberty MicroProfile 5.0 Certification Summary

MicroProfile 5.0 consists of 8 MicroProfile Specifications and 5 Jakarta EE 9.1 specfications.

  • MicroProfile Config 3.0

  • MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 4.0

  • MicroProfile Health 4.0

  • MicroProfile JWT Authentication 2.0

  • MicroProfile Metrics 4.0

  • MicroProfile OpenAPI 3.0

  • MicroProfile OpenTracing 3.0

  • MicroProfile Rest Client 3.0

  • Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 3.0

  • Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.0

  • Jakarta JSON Binding 2.0

  • Jakarta JSON Processing 2.0

  • Jakarta Annotations 2.0

Product Name, Version and download URL (if applicable):

Open Liberty provides compatible implementations for five of the eight MicroProfile 5.0 specifications.