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Five Java Developer Must-Haves for Ultra-Fast Startup Solutions

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Vijay Sundaresan , Thomas Watson , and Laura Cowen on Aug 25, 2024
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As more and more of our applications are developed for the cloud, and we move towards microservices and even serverless application architecture, start-up times are becoming ever more important. Unfortunately, although Java is a fantastic, robust language for developing enterprise applications, it isn’t really known for its quick start-up times.

However, several solutions have recently emerged to help speed up Java startup. They range from compiling a native image that removes the JVM from the compiled app (the startup speed bottleneck in Java apps) to taking a snapshot of the application after startup so that there are no startup tasks to complete when it’s restored. But, most of these solutions suffer from compromises to developer experience, throughput performance, or security.

What we really need is a solution that vastly improves the start-up time of Java applications, whilst also ensuring:

  • It’s easy to implement in apps.

  • It’s easy to use existing skills and APIs to write apps.

  • It’s easy to enable on-the-fly configuration at deployment (restore) time.

  • The app’s peak throughput performance is not degraded.

  • The security of the app is not compromised.

In an article on DZone, IBM’s InstantOn lead and Hybrid Cloud Performance Architect explore each of these considerations and how they’ve been able to achieve fast start-up without compromising on any of them with Liberty InstantOn!

Find out more:

Find out more about Liberty InstantOn and how it enables all of this without compromise in Five Java Developer Must-Haves for Ultra-Fast Startup Solutions.