Interface OAuthFlows

All Superinterfaces:
Constructible, Extensible<OAuthFlows>

public interface OAuthFlows extends Constructible, Extensible<OAuthFlows>
Configuration of the supported OAuthFlows
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getImplicit

      OAuthFlow getImplicit()
      This method returns the implicit property from OAuthFlows instance.
      OAuthFlow implicit
    • setImplicit

      void setImplicit(OAuthFlow implicit)
      This method sets the implicit property of OAuthFlows instance to the given implicit argument.
      implicit - the OauthFlow instance
    • implicit

      default OAuthFlows implicit(OAuthFlow implicit)
      This method sets the implicit property of OAuthFlows instance to the given implicit argument and returns the modified instance.
      implicit - the OauthFlow instance
      OAuthFlows instance with the set implicit property
    • getPassword

      OAuthFlow getPassword()
      OAuth Resource Owner Password flow

      This method returns the password property from OAuthFlows instance.

      OAuthFlow password
    • setPassword

      void setPassword(OAuthFlow password)
      OAuth Resource Owner Password flow

      This method sets the password property of OAuthFlows instance to the given password argument.

      password - the OAuthFlow instance
    • password

      default OAuthFlows password(OAuthFlow password)
      OAuth Resource Owner Password flow

      This method sets the password property of an OAuthFlows instance to the given password argument and returns the modified instance.

      password - the OauthFlow instance
      OAuthFlows instance with the set password property
    • getClientCredentials

      OAuthFlow getClientCredentials()
      OAuth Client Credential flow; previously called application in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method returns the clientCredentials property from OAuthFlows instance.

      OAuthFlow clientCredentials
    • setClientCredentials

      void setClientCredentials(OAuthFlow clientCredentials)
      OAuth Client Credential flow; previously called application in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method sets the clientCredentials property of OAuthFlows instance to the given clientCredentials argument.

      clientCredentials - the OauthFlow instance
    • clientCredentials

      default OAuthFlows clientCredentials(OAuthFlow clientCredentials)
      OAuth Client Credential flow; previously called application in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method sets the clientCredentials property of OAuthFlows instance to the given clientCredentials argument and returns the modified instance.

      clientCredentials - the OauthFlow instance
      OAuthFlows instance with the set clientCredentials property
    • getAuthorizationCode

      OAuthFlow getAuthorizationCode()
      OAuth Authorization Code flow; previously called accessCode in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method returns the authorizationCode property from OAuthFlows instance.

      OAuthFlow authorizationCode
    • setAuthorizationCode

      void setAuthorizationCode(OAuthFlow authorizationCode)
      OAuth Authorization Code flow; previously called accessCode in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method sets the authorizationCode property of OAuthFlows instance to the given authorizationCode argument.

      authorizationCode - the OauthFlow instance
    • authorizationCode

      default OAuthFlows authorizationCode(OAuthFlow authorizationCode)
      OAuth Authorization Code flow; previously called accessCode in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method sets the authorizationCode property of OAuthFlows instance to the given authorizationCode argument and returns the modified instance.

      authorizationCode - the OauthFlow instance
      OAuthFlows instance with the set authorizationCode property