Class RuntimeDelegate


public abstract class RuntimeDelegate extends Object
Implementations of JAX-RS provide a concrete subclass of RuntimeDelegate and various JAX-RS API methods defer to methods of RuntimeDelegate for their functionality. Regular users of JAX-RS are not expected to use this class directly and overriding an implementation of this class with a user supplied subclass may cause unexpected behavior.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RuntimeDelegate

      protected RuntimeDelegate()
      Allows custom implementations to extend the RuntimeDelegate class.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static RuntimeDelegate getInstance()
      Obtain a RuntimeDelegate instance. If an instance had not already been created and set via setInstance(RuntimeDelegate), the first invocation will create an instance which will then be cached for future use.

      The algorithm used to locate the RuntimeDelegate subclass to use consists of the following steps:

      • If a resource with the name of META-INF/services/ exists, then its first line, if present, is used as the UTF-8 encoded name of the implementation class.
      • If the $java.home/lib/ file exists and it is readable by the java.util.Properties.load(InputStream) method and it contains an entry whose key is, then the value of that entry is used as the name of the implementation class.
      • If a system property with the name is defined, then its value is used as the name of the implementation class.
      • Finally, a default implementation class name is used.
      an instance of RuntimeDelegate.
    • setInstance

      public static void setInstance(RuntimeDelegate rd)
      Set the runtime delegate that will be used by JAX-RS classes. If this method is not called prior to getInstance() then an implementation will be sought as described in getInstance().
      rd - the runtime delegate instance
      SecurityException - if there is a security manager and the permission ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks") has not been granted.
    • createUriBuilder

      public abstract UriBuilder createUriBuilder()
      Create a new instance of a UriBuilder.
      new UriBuilder instance.
      See Also:
    • createResponseBuilder

      public abstract Response.ResponseBuilder createResponseBuilder()
      Create a new instance of a Response.ResponseBuilder.
      new ResponseBuilder instance.
      See Also:
    • createVariantListBuilder

      public abstract Variant.VariantListBuilder createVariantListBuilder()
      Create a new instance of a Variant.VariantListBuilder.
      new VariantListBuilder instance.
      See Also:
    • createEndpoint

      public abstract <T> T createEndpoint(Application application, Class<T> endpointType) throws IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedOperationException
      Create a configured instance of the supplied endpoint type. How the returned endpoint instance is published is dependent on the type of endpoint.
      Type Parameters:
      T - endpoint type.
      application - the application configuration.
      endpointType - the type of endpoint instance to be created.
      a configured instance of the requested type.
      IllegalArgumentException - if application is null or the requested endpoint type is not supported.
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the implementation supports no endpoint types.
    • createHeaderDelegate

      public abstract <T> RuntimeDelegate.HeaderDelegate<T> createHeaderDelegate(Class<T> type) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Obtain an instance of a RuntimeDelegate.HeaderDelegate for the supplied class. An implementation is required to support the following values for type: CacheControl, Cookie, EntityTag, Link, NewCookie, MediaType and java.util.Date.
      Type Parameters:
      T - header type.
      type - the class of the header.
      an instance of HeaderDelegate for the supplied type.
      IllegalArgumentException - if type is null.
      See Also:
    • createLinkBuilder

      public abstract Link.Builder createLinkBuilder()
      Create a new instance of a Link.Builder.
      new Link.Builder instance.
      See Also: