Interface Extensible<T extends Extensible<T>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
APIResponse, APIResponses, Callback, Components, Contact, Encoding, Example, ExternalDocumentation, Header, Info, License, Link, MediaType, OAuthFlow, OAuthFlows, OpenAPI, Operation, Parameter, PathItem, Paths, RequestBody, Schema, Scopes, SecurityScheme, Server, ServerVariable, ServerVariables, Tag, XML

public interface Extensible<T extends Extensible<T>>
The base interface for OpenAPI model objects that can contain extensions. Extensions contain data not required by the specification and may or may not be supported by the tools you use.

The extensions property names are always prefixed by "x-".

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addExtension(String name, Object value)
    Adds the given object to this Extensible's map of extensions, with the given name as its key.
    default T
    extensions(Map<String,Object> extensions)
    Sets this Extensible's extensions property to the given map of extensions.
    Returns the extensions property from an Extensible instance.
    Removes the given object to this Extensible's map of extensions, with the given name as its key.
    Sets this Extensible's extensions property to the given map of extensions.
  • Method Details

    • getExtensions

      Map<String,Object> getExtensions()
      Returns the extensions property from an Extensible instance.
      a map containing keys which start with "x-" and values which provide additional information
    • extensions

      default T extensions(Map<String,Object> extensions)
      Sets this Extensible's extensions property to the given map of extensions.
      extensions - map containing keys which start with "x-" and values which provide additional information
      the current instance
    • addExtension

      T addExtension(String name, Object value)
      Adds the given object to this Extensible's map of extensions, with the given name as its key.
      name - the key used to access the extension object. Always prefixed by "x-".
      value - data not required by the specification. null values will be rejected (implementation will throw an exception) or ignored.
      the current instance
    • removeExtension

      void removeExtension(String name)
      Removes the given object to this Extensible's map of extensions, with the given name as its key.
      name - the key used to access the extension object. Always prefixed by "x-".
    • setExtensions

      void setExtensions(Map<String,Object> extensions)
      Sets this Extensible's extensions property to the given map of extensions.
      extensions - map containing keys which start with "x-" and values which provide additional information