Interface MediaType

All Superinterfaces:
Constructible, Extensible<MediaType>

public interface MediaType extends Constructible, Extensible<MediaType>

Each Media Type Object provides a schema and examples for the media type identified by its key.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getSchema

      Schema getSchema()
      Returns the schema property from a MediaType instance.
      the schema defining the type used for the request body
    • setSchema

      void setSchema(Schema schema)
      Sets the schema field of a MediaType instance to the given schema object.
      schema - the schema defining the type used for the request body
    • schema

      default MediaType schema(Schema schema)
      Sets the schema field of a MediaType instance to the given schema object.
      schema - the schema defining the type used for the request body
      the current MediaType instance
    • getExamples

      Map<String,Example> getExamples()
      Returns the collection of examples from a MediaType instance.
      examples of the media type
    • setExamples

      void setExamples(Map<String,Example> examples)
      Sets the examples field of a MediaType instance to the given map object. Each example object should match the media type and specified schema if present. The example object is mutually exclusive of the examples object.
      examples - examples of the media type
    • examples

      default MediaType examples(Map<String,Example> examples)
      Sets the examples field of a MediaType instance to the given map object. Each example object should match the media type and specified schema if present. The example object is mutually exclusive of the examples object.
      examples - examples of the media type
      the current MediaType instance
    • addExample

      MediaType addExample(String key, Example example)
      Adds an example item to the examples map of a MediaType instance. The example object should match the media type and specified schema if present.
      key - any unique name to identify the example object
      example - an example of a media type. null values will be rejected (implementation will throw an exception) or ignored.
      the current MediaType instance
    • removeExample

      void removeExample(String key)
      Removes an example item to the examples map of a MediaType instance. The example object should match the media type and specified schema if present.
      key - any unique name to identify the example object
    • getExample

      Object getExample()
      Returns the example property from a MediaType instance.
      an example of the media type
    • setExample

      void setExample(Object example)
      Sets the example property of a MediaType instance to the given value. The example object should be in the correct format as specified by the media type. The example object is mutually exclusive of the examples object.
      example - an example of the media type
    • example

      default MediaType example(Object example)
      Sets the example property of a MediaType instance to the given value. The example object should be in the correct format as specified by the media type. The example object is mutually exclusive of the examples object.
      example - an example of the media type
      the current MediaType instance
    • getEncoding

      Map<String,Encoding> getEncoding()
      Returns the encoding property from a MediaType instance.
      a map between a property name and its encoding information
    • setEncoding

      void setEncoding(Map<String,Encoding> encoding)
      Sets encoding property of a MediaType instance to the given map object.
      encoding - a map between property names and their encoding information
    • encoding

      default MediaType encoding(Map<String,Encoding> encoding)
      Sets encoding property of a MediaType instance to the given map object.
      encoding - a map between property names and their encoding information
      the current MediaType instance
    • addEncoding

      MediaType addEncoding(String key, Encoding encodingItem)
      Adds an Encoding item to the encoding property of a MediaType instance.
      key - a property name in the schema
      encodingItem - an encoding definition to apply to the schema property. null values will be rejected (implementation will throw an exception) or ignored.
      the current MediaType instance
    • removeEncoding

      void removeEncoding(String key)
      Removes an Encoding item to the encoding property of a MediaType instance.
      key - a property name in the schema