Interface Paths

All Superinterfaces:
Constructible, Extensible<Paths>, Map<String,PathItem>

public interface Paths extends Constructible, Extensible<Paths>, Map<String,PathItem>

Holds the relative paths to the individual endpoints and their operations. The path is appended to the URL from the Server Object in order to construct the full URL. The Paths MAY be empty, due to security constraints.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addPathItem

      Paths addPathItem(String name, PathItem item)
      Adds the given path item to this Paths and return this instance of Paths
      name - a path name in the format valid for a Paths object. The field name MUST begin with a slash.
      item - the path item added to the list of paths. null values will be rejected (implementation will throw an exception) or ignored.
      the current Paths instance
    • removePathItem

      void removePathItem(String name)
      Removes the given path item to this Paths.
      name - a path name that will be removed.
    • getPathItems

      Map<String,PathItem> getPathItems()
      Returns a copy map (potentially immutable) of the path items.
      all items
    • setPathItems

      void setPathItems(Map<String,PathItem> items)
      Set the path items map to this Paths
      items - a map containing the list of paths. Keys MUST begin with a slash.
    • hasPathItem

      default boolean hasPathItem(String name)
      Check whether a path item is present in the map. This is a convenience method for getPathItems().containsKey(name)
      name - a path name in the format valid for a Paths object.
      a boolean to indicate if the path item is present or not.
    • getPathItem

      default PathItem getPathItem(String name)
      Returns a path item for a given name. This is a convenience method for getPathItems().get(name)
      name - a path name in the format valid for a Paths object.
      the corresponding path item or null.
    • get

      since 1.1
      In the next version, Paths will no longer extends Map, this method will no longer be present. Use getPathItem(String) instead.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Map<String,PathItem>
    • containsKey

      @Deprecated boolean containsKey(Object key)
      since 1.1
      In the next version, Paths will no longer extends Map, this method will no longer be present. Use hasPathItem(String) instead.
      Specified by:
      containsKey in interface Map<String,PathItem>
    • put

      @Deprecated PathItem put(String key, PathItem value)
      since 1.1
      In the next version, Paths will no longer extends Map, this method will no longer be present. Use addPathItem(String, PathItem) instead.
      Specified by:
      put in interface Map<String,PathItem>
    • putAll

      @Deprecated void putAll(Map<? extends String,? extends PathItem> m)
      since 1.1
      In the next version, Paths will no longer extends Map, this method will no longer be present. Use setPathItems(Map) instead.
      Specified by:
      putAll in interface Map<String,PathItem>
    • remove

      since 1.1
      In the next version, Paths will no longer extends Map, this method will no longer be present. Use removePathItem(String) instead.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface Map<String,PathItem>