Interface AnnotatedType<X>

Type Parameters:
X - the type
All Superinterfaces:

public interface AnnotatedType<X> extends Annotated

Represents a Java class or interface.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getJavaClass

      Class<X> getJavaClass()

      Get the underlying Class.

      the Class
    • getConstructors

      Set<AnnotatedConstructor<X>> getConstructors()

      Get the constructors of the type. If an empty set is returned, a default constructor with no parameters will be assumed.

      the constructors, or an empty set if none are defined
    • getMethods

      Set<AnnotatedMethod<? super X>> getMethods()

      Get the methods of the type.

      the methods, or an empty set if none are defined
    • getFields

      Set<AnnotatedField<? super X>> getFields()

      Get the fields of the type.

      the fields, or an empty set if none are defined