ClassDescriptionSmall class performing atomic operations to find/retrieve/cache the instance of a DeclarativeServices component reference from service registry via the service reference.Simple class to wrap several enumerations and make them look like one, as opposed to iterating them all up front and putting them into a new list.This provides a simple map implementation for lazy-resolution of services.This provides a simple set implementation for lazy-resolution of services.This provides a map implementation for lazy-resolution of multiple services.Simple set of utilities for dealing with the Dictionary objects used by the OSGi ConfigAdmin service.A set of utilities for working with FilesUtilities for working with OSGi filters.Simple utility for querying the state of the framework for runtime operations.Utility class to simplify retrieving values from injected config.Attempt to retrieve properties using the bundle context of the bundle that loaded this utility class.Comparator for normalized paths.This class wraps an instance of ProtectedString.A server quiesce listener.A simple interface to associate a DS instance of a Service, with the ServiceReference that created it.