Interface ServerQuiesceListener

public interface ServerQuiesceListener
A server quiesce listener. All ServerQuiesceListeners registered in the service registry are called when the server has been stopped without the --force option.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called when the server is stopped without the --force option to allow the registered service to perform pre-stop quiesce activities to facilitate a clean server stop, like canceling pending scheduled executors, or stopping inbound traffic to the server.
  • Method Details

    • serverStopping

      void serverStopping()
      Called when the server is stopped without the --force option to allow the registered service to perform pre-stop quiesce activities to facilitate a clean server stop, like canceling pending scheduled executors, or stopping inbound traffic to the server. This method should not be used to register any new services, nor should it prematurely remove services that other services depend on.

      This method must complete and return to its caller in a timely manner and can be called concurrently with other ServerQuiesceListeners in no specific order.

      Note that when this method is called, FrameworkState.isStopping() will return true, and FrameworkState.isValid() will return false.