Class OsgiPropertyUtils


public class OsgiPropertyUtils extends Object
Attempt to retrieve properties using the bundle context of the bundle that loaded this utility class. BundleContext.getProperty does not check any values that are bundle-specific: it first checks the list of properties used to start the framework, and then checks system properties to retrieve the property value.
See Also:
  • FrameworkUtil.getBundle(Class)
  • BundleContext.getProperty(String)
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static boolean
    getBoolean(String propertyName)
    Retrieve the value of the specified property from framework/system properties.
    static int
    getInteger(String propertyName, int defaultValue)
    Retrieve the value of the specified property from framework/system properties.
    static long
    getLong(String propertyName, long defaultValue)
    Retrieve the value of the specified property from framework/system properties.
    static String
    getProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue)
    Retrieve the value of the specified property from framework/system properties.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • OsgiPropertyUtils

      public OsgiPropertyUtils()
  • Method Details

    • getProperty

      public static String getProperty(String propertyName, String defaultValue)
      Retrieve the value of the specified property from framework/system properties.
      propertyName - Name of property
      defaultValue - Default value to return if property is not set
      Property or default value as a String
    • getInteger

      public static int getInteger(String propertyName, int defaultValue)
      Retrieve the value of the specified property from framework/system properties. Value is converted and returned as an int.
      propertyName - Name of property
      defaultValue - Default value to return if property is not set
      Property or default value as an int
    • getLong

      public static long getLong(String propertyName, long defaultValue)
      Retrieve the value of the specified property from framework/system properties. Value is converted and returned as an long.
      propertyName - Name of property
      defaultValue - Default value to return if property is not set
      Property or default value as an long
    • getBoolean

      public static boolean getBoolean(String propertyName)
      Retrieve the value of the specified property from framework/system properties. Value is converted and returned as an boolean.
      propertyName - Name of property
      defaultValue - Default value to return if property is not set
      Property or default value as an boolean