Class AtomicServiceReference<T>


public class AtomicServiceReference<T> extends Object
Small class performing atomic operations to find/retrieve/cache the instance of a DeclarativeServices component reference from service registry via the service reference.

Use this to maintain a lazy-resolved reference of cardinality one (single service reference associated with a single, lazily-resolved service instance).

Usage (following OSGi DS naming conventions/patterns):

 private final AtomicServiceReference&ltT&gt serviceRef = new AtomicServiceReference&ltT&gt("referenceName");
 protected void activate(ComponentContext ctx) {
 protected void deactivate(ComponentContext ctx) {
 protected void setReferenceName(ServiceReference&ltT&gt ref) {
 protected void unsetReferenceName(ServiceReference&ltT&gt ref) {
 private T getReferenceName() {
  return serviceRef.getService();
  • Constructor Details

    • AtomicServiceReference

      public AtomicServiceReference(String name)
      Create a new AtomicServiceReference for the named service. e.g. from bnd.bnd: referenceName=.... or from component.xml: <reference name="referenceName".... >
      name - Name of DS reference
  • Method Details

    • activate

      public void activate(org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext context)
    • deactivate

      public void deactivate(org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext context)
    • setReference

      public boolean setReference(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference<T> reference)
      Update service reference associated with this service.
      referenceName - ServiceReference for the target service. Service references are equal if they point to the same service registration, and are ordered by increasing service.ranking and decreasing ServiceReferences hold no service properties: requests/queries for properties are forwarded onto the backing service registration.
      true if this is replacing a previous (non-null) service reference
    • unsetReference

      public boolean unsetReference(org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference<T> reference)
      Clear the service reference associated with this service. This first checks to see whether or not the reference being unset matches the current reference. For Declarative Services dynamic components: if a replacement is available for a dynamic reference, DS will call set with the new reference before calling unset to clear the old one.
      reference - ServiceReference associated with service to be unset.
      true if a non-null value was replaced
    • getReference

      public org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference<T> getReference()
      ServiceReference for the target service. Service references are equal if they point to the same service registration, and are ordered by increasing service.ranking and decreasing ServiceReferences hold no service properties: requests/queries for properties are forwarded onto the backing service registration.
    • getService

      public T getService()
      T or null if unavailable
    • getServiceWithException

      public T getServiceWithException()
      IllegalStateException - if the internal state is such that locating the service is not possible or if the service is not retrievable
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object