Interface ReactiveStreamsFactory

public interface ReactiveStreamsFactory
Factory interface for providing the implementation of the static factory methods in ReactiveStreams.
  • Method Details

    • fromPublisher

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> fromPublisher(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends T> publisher)
      Create a PublisherBuilder from the given Publisher.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the elements that the publisher produces.
      publisher - The publisher to wrap.
      A publisher builder that wraps the given publisher.
    • of

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> of(T t)
      Create a PublisherBuilder that emits a single element.

      of marble diagram

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the element.
      t - The element to emit.
      A publisher builder that will emit the element.
    • of

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> of(T... ts)
      Create a PublisherBuilder that emits the given elements.

      of marble diagram

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the elements.
      ts - The elements to emit.
      A publisher builder that will emit the elements.
    • empty

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> empty()
      Create an empty PublisherBuilder.

      empty marble diagram

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the publisher builder.
      A publisher builder that will just emit a completion signal.
    • ofNullable

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> ofNullable(T t)
      Create a PublisherBuilder that will emit a single element if t is not null, otherwise will be empty.

      ofNullable marble diagram

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the element.
      t - The element to emit, null if to element should be emitted.
      A publisher builder that optionally emits a single element.
    • fromIterable

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> fromIterable(Iterable<? extends T> ts)
      Create a PublisherBuilder that will emits the elements produced by the passed in Iterable.

      fromIterable marble diagram

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the elements.
      ts - The elements to emit.
      A publisher builder that emits the elements of the iterable.
    • failed

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> failed(Throwable t)
      Create a failed PublisherBuilder.

      failed marble diagram

      This publisher will just emit an error.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the publisher builder.
      t - The error te emit.
      A publisher builder that completes the stream with an error.
    • builder

      <T> ProcessorBuilder<T,T> builder()
      Create a ProcessorBuilder. This builder will start as an identity processor.

      identity marble diagram

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of elements that the processor consumes and emits.
      The identity processor builder.
    • fromProcessor

      <T, R> ProcessorBuilder<T,R> fromProcessor(org.reactivestreams.Processor<? super T,? extends R> processor)
      Create a ProcessorBuilder from the given Processor.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the elements that the processor consumes.
      R - The type of the elements that the processor emits.
      processor - The processor to be wrapped.
      A processor builder that wraps the processor.
    • fromSubscriber

      <T> SubscriberBuilder<T,Void> fromSubscriber(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<? extends T> subscriber)
      Create a SubscriberBuilder from the given Subscriber. The subscriber can only be used to create a single subscriber builder.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of elements that the subscriber consumes.
      subscriber - The subscriber to be wrapped.
      A subscriber builder that wraps the subscriber.
    • iterate

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> iterate(T seed, UnaryOperator<T> f)
      Creates an infinite stream produced by the iterative application of the function f to an initial element seed consisting of seed, f(seed), f(f(seed)), etc.

      iterate marble diagram

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of stream elements.
      seed - The initial element.
      f - A function applied to the previous element to produce the next element.
      A publisher builder.
    • generate

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> generate(Supplier<? extends T> s)
      Creates an infinite stream that emits elements supplied by the supplier s.

      generate marble diagram

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of stream elements.
      s - The supplier.
      A publisher builder.
    • concat

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> concat(PublisherBuilder<? extends T> a, PublisherBuilder<? extends T> b)
      Concatenates two publishers.

      concat marble diagram

      The resulting stream will be produced by subscribing to the first publisher, and emitting the elements it emits, until it emits a completion signal, at which point the second publisher will be subscribed to, and its elements will be emitted.

      If the first publisher completes with an error signal, then the second publisher will be subscribed to but immediately cancelled, none of its elements will be emitted. This ensures that hot publishers are cleaned up. If downstream emits a cancellation signal before the first publisher finishes, it will be passed to both publishers.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of stream elements.
      a - The first publisher.
      b - The second publisher.
      A publisher builder.
    • fromCompletionStage

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> fromCompletionStage(CompletionStage<? extends T> completionStage)
      Creates a publisher from a CompletionStage.

      fromCompletionStage marble diagram

      When the CompletionStage is redeemed, the publisher will emit the redeemed element, and then signal completion. If the completion stage is redeemed with null, the stream will be failed with a NullPointerException.

      If the CompletionStage is completed with a failure, this failure will be propagated through the stream.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the CompletionStage value.
      completionStage - The CompletionStage to create the publisher from.
      A PublisherBuilder representation of this CompletionStage.
    • fromCompletionStageNullable

      <T> PublisherBuilder<T> fromCompletionStageNullable(CompletionStage<? extends T> completionStage)
      Creates a publisher from a CompletionStage.

      fromCompletionStage marble diagram

      When the CompletionStage is redeemed, the publisher will emit the redeemed element, and then signal completion. If the completion stage is redeemed with null, the stream will be immediately completed with no element, ie, it will be an empty stream.

      If the CompletionStage is completed with a failure, this failure will be propagated through the stream.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the CompletionStage value.
      completionStage - The CompletionStage to create the publisher from.
      A PublisherBuilder representation of this CompletionStage.
    • coupled

      <T, R> ProcessorBuilder<T,R> coupled(SubscriberBuilder<? super T,?> subscriber, PublisherBuilder<? extends R> publisher)
      Creates a ProcessorBuilder by coupling a SubscriberBuilder to a PublisherBuilder.

      coupled marble diagram

      The resulting processor sends all the elements received to the passed in subscriber, and emits all the elements received from the passed in publisher.

      In addition, the lifecycles of the subscriber and publisher are coupled, such that if one terminates or receives a termination signal, the other will be terminated. Below is a table of what signals are emited when:

      Lifecycle signal propagation
      Returned ProcessorBuilder inlet Passed in SubscriberBuilder Passed in PublisherBuilder Returned ProcessorBuilder outlet
      Cause: complete from upstream Effect: complete Effect: cancel Effect: complete
      Cause: error from upstream Effect: error Effect: cancel Effect: error
      Effect: cancel Cause: cancels Effect: cancel Effect: complete
      Effect: cancel Effect: complete Cause: completes Effect: complete
      Effect: cancel Effect: error Cause: errors Effect: error
      Effect: cancel Effect: complete Effect: cancel Cause: cancel from downstream
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of elements received.
      R - The type of elements emitted.
      subscriber - The subscriber builder to wrap.
      publisher - The publisher builder to wrap.
      The coupled processor builder.
    • coupled

      <T, R> ProcessorBuilder<T,R> coupled(org.reactivestreams.Subscriber<? super T> subscriber, org.reactivestreams.Publisher<? extends R> publisher)
      Creates a ProcessorBuilder by coupling a Subscriber to a Publisher.

      coupled marble diagram

      The resulting processor sends all the elements received to the passed in subscriber, and emits all the elements received from the passed in publisher.

      In addition, the lifecycles of the subscriber and publisher are coupled, such that if one terminates or receives a termination signal, the other will be terminated. Below is a table of what signals are emited when:

      Lifecycle signal propagation
      Returned ProcessorBuilder inlet Passed in SubscriberBuilder Passed in PublisherBuilder Returned ProcessorBuilder outlet
      Cause: complete from upstream Effect: complete Effect: cancel Effect: complete
      Cause: error from upstream Effect: error Effect: cancel Effect: error
      Effect: cancel Cause: cancels Effect: cancel Effect: complete
      Effect: cancel Effect: complete Cause: completes Effect: complete
      Effect: cancel Effect: error Cause: errors Effect: error
      Effect: cancel Effect: complete Effect: cancel Cause: cancel from downstream
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of elements received.
      R - The type of elements emitted.
      subscriber - The subscriber builder to wrap.
      publisher - The publisher builder to wrap.
      The coupled processor builder.
      See Also: