Interface OAuthFlows

All Superinterfaces:
Constructible, Extensible

public interface OAuthFlows extends Constructible, Extensible
Configuration of the supported OAuthFlows
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getImplicit

      OAuthFlow getImplicit()
      This method returns the implicit property from OAuthFlows instance.
      OAuthFlow implicit
    • setImplicit

      void setImplicit(OAuthFlow implicit)
      This method sets the implicit property of OAuthFlows instance to the given implicit argument.
      implicit - the OauthFlow instance
    • implicit

      OAuthFlows implicit(OAuthFlow implicit)
      This method sets the implicit property of OAuthFlows instance to the given implicit argument and returns the modified instance.
      implicit - the OauthFlow instance
      OAuthFlows instance with the set implicit property
    • getPassword

      OAuthFlow getPassword()
      OAuth Resource Owner Password flow

      This method returns the password property from OAuthFlows instance.

      OAuthFlow password
    • setPassword

      void setPassword(OAuthFlow password)
      OAuth Resource Owner Password flow

      This method sets the password property of OAuthFlows instance to the given password argument.

      password - the OAuthFlow instance
    • password

      OAuthFlows password(OAuthFlow password)
      OAuth Resource Owner Password flow

      This method sets the password property of an OAuthFlows instance to the given password argument and returns the modified instance.

      password - the OauthFlow instance
      OAuthFlows instance with the set password property
    • getClientCredentials

      OAuthFlow getClientCredentials()
      OAuth Client Credential flow; previously called application in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method returns the clientCredentials property from OAuthFlows instance.

      OAuthFlow clientCredentials
    • setClientCredentials

      void setClientCredentials(OAuthFlow clientCredentials)
      OAuth Client Credential flow; previously called application in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method sets the clientCredentials property of OAuthFlows instance to the given clientCredentials argument.

      clientCredentials - the OauthFlow instance
    • clientCredentials

      OAuthFlows clientCredentials(OAuthFlow clientCredentials)
      OAuth Client Credential flow; previously called application in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method sets the clientCredentials property of OAuthFlows instance to the given clientCredentials argument and returns the modified instance.

      clientCredentials - the OauthFlow instance
      OAuthFlows instance with the set clientCredentials property
    • getAuthorizationCode

      OAuthFlow getAuthorizationCode()
      OAuth Authorization Code flow; previously called accessCode in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method returns the authorizationCode property from OAuthFlows instance.

      OAuthFlow authorizationCode
    • setAuthorizationCode

      void setAuthorizationCode(OAuthFlow authorizationCode)
      OAuth Authorization Code flow; previously called accessCode in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method sets the authorizationCode property of OAuthFlows instance to the given authorizationCode argument.

      authorizationCode - the OauthFlow instance
    • authorizationCode

      OAuthFlows authorizationCode(OAuthFlow authorizationCode)
      OAuth Authorization Code flow; previously called accessCode in OpenAPI 2.0

      This method sets the authorizationCode property of OAuthFlows instance to the given authorizationCode argument and returns the modified instance.

      authorizationCode - the OauthFlow instance
      OAuthFlows instance with the set authorizationCode property