Interface JsonLocation

public interface JsonLocation
Provides the location information of a JSON event in an input source. The JsonLocation information can be used to identify incorrect JSON or can be used by higher frameworks to know about the processing location.

All the information provided by a JsonLocation is optional. For example, a provider may only report line numbers. Also, there may not be any location information for an input source. For example, if a JsonParser is created using JsonArray input source, all the methods in this class return -1.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the column number for the current JSON event in the input source.
    Return the line number for the current JSON event in the input source.
    Return the stream offset into the input source this location is pointing to.
  • Method Details

    • getLineNumber

      long getLineNumber()
      Return the line number for the current JSON event in the input source.
      the line number or -1 if none is available
    • getColumnNumber

      long getColumnNumber()
      Return the column number for the current JSON event in the input source.
      the column number or -1 if none is available
    • getStreamOffset

      long getStreamOffset()
      Return the stream offset into the input source this location is pointing to. If the input source is a file or a byte stream then this is the byte offset into that stream, but if the input source is a character media then the offset is the character offset. Returns -1 if there is no offset available.
      the offset of input source stream, or -1 if there is no offset available