Interface Subgraph<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the attribute.

public interface Subgraph<T>
This type represents a subgraph for an attribute node that corresponds to a Managed Type. Using this class, an entity subgraph can be embedded within an EntityGraph.
Java Persistence 2.1
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addAttributeNodes

      void addAttributeNodes(String... attributeName)
      Add one or more attribute nodes to the entity graph.
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this managed type.
      IllegalStateException - if the EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addAttributeNodes

      void addAttributeNodes(Attribute<T,?>... attribute)
      Add one or more attribute nodes to the entity graph.
      attribute - attribute
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addSubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addSubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types.
      attribute - attribute
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if the EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addSubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<? extends X> addSubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute, Class<? extends X> type)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance. This allows for multiple subclass subgraphs to be defined for this node of the entity graph. Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs
      attribute - attribute
      type - entity subclass
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addSubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addSubgraph(String attributeName)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types.
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this managed type.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addSubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addSubgraph(String attributeName, Class<X> type)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance. This allows for multiple subclass subgraphs to be defined for this node of the entity graph. Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      type - entity subclass
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this managed type.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addKeySubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addKeySubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type. This allows for construction of multinode entity graphs that include related managed types.
      attribute - attribute
      subgraph for the key attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type entity
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addKeySubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<? extends X> addKeySubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute, Class<? extends X> type)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types. Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs
      attribute - attribute
      type - entity subclass
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type entity
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addKeySubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addKeySubgraph(String attributeName)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types.
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      subgraph for the key attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this entity.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addKeySubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addKeySubgraph(String attributeName, Class<X> type)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types. Subclass subgraphs will include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      type - entity subclass
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this entity.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • getAttributeNodes

      List<AttributeNode<?>> getAttributeNodes()
      Return the attribute nodes corresponding to the attributes of this managed type that are included in the subgraph.
      list of attribute nodes included in the subgraph or empty List if none have been defined
    • getClassType

      Class<T> getClassType()
      Return the type for which this subgraph was defined.
      managed type referenced by the subgraph