Interface EntityGraph<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the root entity.

public interface EntityGraph<T>
This type represents the root of an entity graph that will be used as a template to define the attribute nodes and boundaries of a graph of entities and entity relationships. The root must be an entity type.

The methods to add subgraphs implicitly create the corresponding attribute nodes as well; such attribute nodes should not be redundantly specified.

Java Persistence 2.1
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addAttributeNodes(String... attributeName)
    Add one or more attribute nodes to the entity graph.
    addAttributeNodes(Attribute<T,?>... attribute)
    Add one or more attribute nodes to the entity graph.
    <X> Subgraph<X>
    addKeySubgraph(String attributeName)
    Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type.
    <X> Subgraph<X>
    addKeySubgraph(String attributeName, Class<X> type)
    Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance.
    <X> Subgraph<X>
    addKeySubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute)
    Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type.
    <X> Subgraph<? extends X>
    addKeySubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute, Class<? extends X> type)
    Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance.
    <T> Subgraph<? extends T>
    addSubclassSubgraph(Class<? extends T> type)
    Add additional attributes to this entity graph that correspond to attributes of subclasses of this EntityGraph's entity type.
    <X> Subgraph<X>
    addSubgraph(String attributeName)
    Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type.
    <X> Subgraph<X>
    addSubgraph(String attributeName, Class<X> type)
    Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance.
    <X> Subgraph<X>
    addSubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute)
    Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type.
    <X> Subgraph<? extends X>
    addSubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute, Class<? extends X> type)
    Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance.
    Return the attribute nodes of this entity that are included in the entity graph.
    Return the name of a named EntityGraph (an entity graph defined by means of the NamedEntityGraph annotation, XML descriptor element, or added by means of the addNamedEntityGraph method.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Return the name of a named EntityGraph (an entity graph defined by means of the NamedEntityGraph annotation, XML descriptor element, or added by means of the addNamedEntityGraph method. Returns null if the EntityGraph is not a named EntityGraph.
    • addAttributeNodes

      void addAttributeNodes(String... attributeName)
      Add one or more attribute nodes to the entity graph.
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this entity.
      IllegalStateException - if the EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addAttributeNodes

      void addAttributeNodes(Attribute<T,?>... attribute)
      Add one or more attribute nodes to the entity graph.
      attribute - attribute
      IllegalStateException - if the EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addSubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addSubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types.
      attribute - attribute
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if the EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addSubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<? extends X> addSubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute, Class<? extends X> type)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance. This allows for multiple subclass subgraphs to be defined for this node of the entity graph. Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs.
      attribute - attribute
      type - entity subclass
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if the EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addSubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addSubgraph(String attributeName)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types.
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this entity.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if the EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addSubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addSubgraph(String attributeName, Class<X> type)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a managed type with inheritance. This allows for multiple subclass subgraphs to be defined for this node of the entity graph. Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs.
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      type - entity subclass
      subgraph for the attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this managed type.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addKeySubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addKeySubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types.
      attribute - attribute
      subgraph for the key attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not an entity
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addKeySubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<? extends X> addKeySubgraph(Attribute<T,X> attribute, Class<? extends X> type)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types. Subclass subgraphs will include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs.
      attribute - attribute
      type - entity subclass
      subgraph for the key attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not an entity
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addKeySubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addKeySubgraph(String attributeName)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types.
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      subgraph for the key attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this entity.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not an entity
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addKeySubgraph

      <X> Subgraph<X> addKeySubgraph(String attributeName, Class<X> type)
      Add a node to the graph that corresponds to a map key that is a managed type with inheritance. This allows for construction of multi-node entity graphs that include related managed types. Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs
      attributeName - name of the attribute
      type - entity subclass
      subgraph for the key attribute
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute is not an attribute of this entity.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the attribute's target type is not a managed type
      IllegalStateException - if this EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • addSubclassSubgraph

      <T> Subgraph<? extends T> addSubclassSubgraph(Class<? extends T> type)
      Add additional attributes to this entity graph that correspond to attributes of subclasses of this EntityGraph's entity type. Subclass subgraphs will automatically include the specified attributes of superclass subgraphs.
      type - entity subclass
      subgraph for the subclass
      IllegalArgumentException - if the type is not an entity type
      IllegalStateException - if the EntityGraph has been statically defined
    • getAttributeNodes

      List<AttributeNode<?>> getAttributeNodes()
      Return the attribute nodes of this entity that are included in the entity graph.
      attribute nodes for the annotated entity type or empty list if none have been defined