Annotation Interface Tag

This object represents a tag. A tag is meta-information you can use to help organize your API end-points and it can appear in two contexts.

Define tag objects on a method that implements an operation or on a class that contains operations. They will be gathered and stored in the root object of the OpenAPI document.

If the tag annotation definition is associated with a method that corresponds to an operation then the tag name will be added to the OpenAPI document and also be added to the operation tags.

Reference to a Tag can be created by setting the 'ref' attribute.

If the Tag annotation is specified on a class then each operation in the class will inherit the tag unless the operation specifies Tag(s). An operation can specify an empty Tag to not to be associated with any tag(s) inherited from the class.

This annotation is Repeatable.

If more than one tag is defined with the same name then only one tag with that name will appear in the OpenAPI document and the results are implementation dependent.

Note: If both Tag and Tags annotations are specified on the same method or class, then both tag definitions should be applied.

 @Tag(name = "luggage", description = "Operations related to luggage handling.")
 public Location getLuggage(LuggageID id) {
     return getLuggageLocation(id);
 @Tag(ref = "Bookings")
 public Location getBookings() {
     return Response.ok().entity(bookings.values()).build();
See Also:
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      The name of this tag. The name must be unique and is case sensitive. It is a REQUIRED property unless this is only a reference to a tag instance.
      the name of this tag
    • description

      String description
      A short description for this tag.
      the description of this tag
    • externalDocs

      ExternalDocumentation externalDocs
      Additional external documentation for this tag.
      the external documentation for this tag
    • ref

      String ref
      Reference value to a Tag object.

      This property provides a reference to an object defined elsewhere. This property and all other properties are mutually exclusive. If other properties are defined in addition to the ref property then the result is undefined.

      reference to a tag
    • extensions

      Extension[] extensions
      List of extensions to be added to the Tag model corresponding to the containing annotation.
      array of extensions