All Superinterfaces:

public interface Content extends Constructible

A map to assist describing the media types for an operation's parameter or response.

  • Method Details

    • addMediaType

      Content addMediaType(String name, MediaType mediaType)
      Adds the MediaType for this Content, where the key is the name of the MediaType and the value is the object that describes the content passed into or returned from an operation.
      name - the name of a media type e.g. application/json.
      mediaType - an object that describes the content passed into or returned from an operation. null values will be rejected (implementation will throw an exception) or ignored.
      the current Content instance
    • removeMediaType

      void removeMediaType(String name)
      Removes the given MediaType for this Content by its name.
      name - a path name that will be removed.
    • getMediaTypes

      Map<String,MediaType> getMediaTypes()
      Returns a copy map (potentially immutable) of media types.
      all items
    • setMediaTypes

      void setMediaTypes(Map<String,MediaType> mediaTypes)
      Set the media types map to this Content
      mediaTypes - a map containing the list of media types. Keys are name of a media type e.g. application/json.
    • hasMediaType

      default boolean hasMediaType(String name)
      Check whether a media type is present in the map. This is a convenience method for getMediaTypes().containsKey(name)
      name - the name of a media type e.g. application/json.
      a boolean to indicate if the media type is present or not.
    • getMediaType

      default MediaType getMediaType(String name)
      Returns a media type for a given name. This is a convenience method for getMediaTypes().get(name)
      name - the name of a media type e.g. application/json.
      the corresponding media type or null.