All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Stage.Coupled extends Stage
A stage that couples a wrapped subscriber graph to a wrapped publisher graph.

The resulting stage sends all the elements received to the passed in subscriber, and emits all the elements received from the passed in publisher.

In addition, the lifecycles of the subscriber and publisher are coupled, such that if one terminates or receives a termination signal, the other will be terminated. Below is a table of what signals are emited when:

Lifecycle signal propagation
Returned ProcessorBuilder inlet Passed in SubscriberBuilder Passed in PublisherBuilder Returned ProcessorBuilder outlet
Cause: complete from upstream Effect: complete Effect: cancel Effect: complete
Cause: error from upstream Effect: error Effect: cancel Effect: error
Effect: cancel Cause: cancels Effect: cancel Effect: complete
Effect: cancel Effect: complete Cause: completes Effect: complete
Effect: cancel Effect: error Cause: errors Effect: error
Effect: cancel Effect: complete Effect: cancel Cause: cancel from downstream
  • Method Details

    • getSubscriber

      Graph getSubscriber()
      Get the subscriber graph.
      The subscriber graph.
    • getPublisher

      Graph getPublisher()
      Get the publisher graph.
      The publisher graph.