Annotation Interface SimplyTimed

An annotation for marking a method, constructor, or class as simply timed. The underlying SimpleTimer metric tracks elapsed time duration and count. This is a lightweight alternative to timer (@Timed). The metric will be registered in the application MetricRegistry.

Given a method annotated with @SimplyTimed like this:

     @SimplyTimed(name = "fancyName")
     public String fancyName(String name) {
         return "Sir Captain " + name;
A simple timer with the fully qualified class name + fancyName will be created and each time the #fancyName(String) method is invoked, the method's execution will be timed.

Given a class annotated with @SimplyTimed like this:

     public class SimplyTimedBean {
         public void simplyTimedMethod1() {}
         public void simplyTimedMethod2() {}
A simple timer for the defining class will be created for each of the constructors/methods. Each time a constructor/method is invoked, the execution will be timed with the respective simple timer. This annotation will throw an IllegalStateException if the constructor/method is invoked, but the metric no longer exists in the MetricRegistry.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      The name of the simple timer.
    • tags

      String[] tags
      The tags of the simple timer. Each String tag must be in the form of 'key=value'. If the input is empty or does not contain a '=' sign, the entry is ignored.
      See Also:
    • absolute

      boolean absolute
      If true, use the given name as an absolute name. If false (default), use the given name relative to the annotated class. When annotating a class, this must be false.
    • displayName

      String displayName
      The display name of the simple timer.
      See Also:
    • description

      String description
      The description of the simple timer
      See Also:
    • unit

      String unit
      The unit of the simple timer. By default, the value is MetricUnits.NANOSECONDS.
      See Also: