Interface CompletionRunner<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The result of the stream.
All Superinterfaces:

public interface CompletionRunner<T> extends ProducesResult<T>
A builder for a closed reactive streams graph.

When built, this builder returns a CompletionStage that will be redeemed with the result produced by the subscriber of the stream when the stream completes normally, or will be redeemed with an error if the stream encounters an error.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • run

      Run this stream, using the first ReactiveStreamsEngine found by the ServiceLoader.
      A completion stage that will be redeemed with the result of the stream, or an error if the stream fails.
    • run

      Run this stream, using the supplied ReactiveStreamsEngine.
      engine - The engine to run the stream with.
      A completion stage that will be redeemed with the result of the stream, or an error if the stream fails.