Package javax.json

Interface JsonWriterFactory

public interface JsonWriterFactory
Factory to create JsonWriter instances. If a factory instance is configured with some configuration, that would be used to configure the created writer instances.

JsonWriter can also be created using Json's createWriter methods. If multiple writer instances are created, then creating them using a writer factory is preferred.

For example:

 JsonWriterFactory factory = Json.createWriterFactory(...);
 JsonWriter writer1 = factory.createWriter(...);
 JsonWriter writer2 = factory.createWriter(...);

All the methods in this class are safe for use by multiple concurrent threads.

  • Method Details

    • createWriter

      JsonWriter createWriter(Writer writer)
      Creates a JSON writer to write a JSON object or array structure to the specified character stream. The writer is configured with the factory configuration.
      writer - to which JSON object or array is written
      a JSON writer
    • createWriter

      JsonWriter createWriter(OutputStream out)
      Creates a JSON writer to write a JSON object or array structure to the specified byte stream. Characters written to the stream are encoded into bytes using UTF-8 encoding. The writer is configured with the factory configuration.
      out - to which JSON object or array is written
      a JSON writer
    • createWriter

      JsonWriter createWriter(OutputStream out, Charset charset)
      Creates a JSON writer to write a JSON object or array structure to the specified byte stream. Characters written to the stream are encoded into bytes using the specified charset. The writer is configured with the factory configuration.
      out - to which JSON object or array is written
      charset - a charset
      a JSON writer
    • getConfigInUse

      Map<String,?> getConfigInUse()
      Returns read-only map of supported provider specific configuration properties that are used to configure the created JSON writer objects. If there are any specified configuration properties that are not supported by the provider, they won't be part of the returned map.
      a map of supported provider specific properties that are used to configure the created writers. The map may be empty but not null.