Interface EventMetadata

public interface EventMetadata

Provides access to metadata about an observed event payload. The metadata may be for events fired with either of Event or BeanManager.fireEvent(Object, Annotation...).

EventMetadata may only be injected into an observer method. For example:

 public void afterLogin(@Observes LoggedInEvent event, EventMetadata eventMetadata) { ... }
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getQualifiers

      Set<Annotation> getQualifiers()
      the qualifiers for which event payload was fired.
    • getInjectionPoint

      InjectionPoint getInjectionPoint()
      Get the InjectionPoint representing the injected Event instance which fired the event, or null if it was fired from BeanManager.fireEvent(Object, Annotation...);
      InjectionPoint of the Event
    • getType

      Type getType()
      Get the type representing runtime class of the event object with type variables resolved.
      the runtime type of the event object