Interface Bindable<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the represented object or attribute
All Known Subinterfaces:
CollectionAttribute<X,E>, EntityType<X>, ListAttribute<X,E>, MapAttribute<X,K,V>, PluralAttribute<X,C,E>, SetAttribute<X,E>, SingularAttribute<X,T>

public interface Bindable<T>
Instances of the type Bindable represent object or attribute types that can be bound into a Path.
Java Persistence 2.0
  • Method Details

    • getBindableType

      Bindable.BindableType getBindableType()
      Return the bindable type of the represented object.
      bindable type
    • getBindableJavaType

      Class<T> getBindableJavaType()
      Return the Java type of the represented object. If the bindable type of the object is PLURAL_ATTRIBUTE, the Java element type is returned. If the bindable type is SINGULAR_ATTRIBUTE or ENTITY_TYPE, the Java type of the represented entity or attribute is returned.
      Java type