Interface Subquery<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the selection item.
All Superinterfaces:
AbstractQuery<T>, CommonAbstractCriteria, Expression<T>, Selection<T>, TupleElement<T>

public interface Subquery<T> extends AbstractQuery<T>, Expression<T>
The Subquery interface defines functionality that is specific to subqueries. A subquery has an expression as its selection item.
Java Persistence 2.0
  • Method Details

    • select

      Subquery<T> select(Expression<T> expression)
      Specify the item that is to be returned as the subquery result. Replaces the previously specified selection, if any.
      expression - expression specifying the item that is to be returned as the subquery result
      the modified subquery
    • where

      Subquery<T> where(Expression<Boolean> restriction)
      Modify the subquery to restrict the result according to the specified boolean expression. Replaces the previously added restriction(s), if any. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      where in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      restriction - a simple or compound boolean expression
      the modified subquery
    • where

      Subquery<T> where(Predicate... restrictions)
      Modify the subquery to restrict the result according to the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates. Replaces the previously added restriction(s), if any. If no restrictions are specified, any previously added restrictions are simply removed. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      where in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      restrictions - zero or more restriction predicates
      the modified subquery
    • groupBy

      Subquery<T> groupBy(Expression<?>... grouping)
      Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the subquery results. Replaces the previous specified grouping expressions, if any. If no grouping expressions are specified, any previously added grouping expressions are simply removed. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      groupBy in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      grouping - zero or more grouping expressions
      the modified subquery
    • groupBy

      Subquery<T> groupBy(List<Expression<?>> grouping)
      Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the subquery results. Replaces the previous specified grouping expressions, if any. If no grouping expressions are specified, any previously added grouping expressions are simply removed. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      groupBy in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      grouping - list of zero or more grouping expressions
      the modified subquery
    • having

      Subquery<T> having(Expression<Boolean> restriction)
      Specify a restriction over the groups of the subquery. Replaces the previous having restriction(s), if any. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      having in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      restriction - a simple or compound boolean expression
      the modified subquery
    • having

      Subquery<T> having(Predicate... restrictions)
      Specify restrictions over the groups of the subquery according the conjunction of the specified restriction predicates. Replaces the previously added having restriction(s), if any. If no restrictions are specified, any previously added restrictions are simply removed. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      having in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      restrictions - zero or more restriction predicates
      the modified subquery
    • distinct

      Subquery<T> distinct(boolean distinct)
      Specify whether duplicate query results will be eliminated. A true value will cause duplicates to be eliminated. A false value will cause duplicates to be retained. If distinct has not been specified, duplicate results must be retained. This method only overrides the return type of the corresponding AbstractQuery method.
      Specified by:
      distinct in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      distinct - boolean value specifying whether duplicate results must be eliminated from the subquery result or whether they must be retained
      the modified subquery.
    • correlate

      <Y> Root<Y> correlate(Root<Y> parentRoot)
      Create a subquery root correlated to a root of the enclosing query.
      parentRoot - a root of the containing query
      subquery root
    • correlate

      <X, Y> Join<X,Y> correlate(Join<X,Y> parentJoin)
      Create a subquery join object correlated to a join object of the enclosing query.
      parentJoin - join object of the containing query
      subquery join
    • correlate

      <X, Y> CollectionJoin<X,Y> correlate(CollectionJoin<X,Y> parentCollection)
      Create a subquery collection join object correlated to a collection join object of the enclosing query.
      parentCollection - join object of the containing query
      subquery join
    • correlate

      <X, Y> SetJoin<X,Y> correlate(SetJoin<X,Y> parentSet)
      Create a subquery set join object correlated to a set join object of the enclosing query.
      parentSet - join object of the containing query
      subquery join
    • correlate

      <X, Y> ListJoin<X,Y> correlate(ListJoin<X,Y> parentList)
      Create a subquery list join object correlated to a list join object of the enclosing query.
      parentList - join object of the containing query
      subquery join
    • correlate

      <X, K, V> MapJoin<X,K,V> correlate(MapJoin<X,K,V> parentMap)
      Create a subquery map join object correlated to a map join object of the enclosing query.
      parentMap - join object of the containing query
      subquery join
    • getParent

      AbstractQuery<?> getParent()
      Return the query of which this is a subquery. This must be a CriteriaQuery or a Subquery.
      the enclosing query or subquery
    • getContainingQuery

      CommonAbstractCriteria getContainingQuery()
      Return the query of which this is a subquery. This may be a CriteriaQuery, CriteriaUpdate, CriteriaDelete, or a Subquery.
      the enclosing query or subquery
      Java Persistence 2.1
    • getSelection

      Expression<T> getSelection()
      Return the selection expression.
      Specified by:
      getSelection in interface AbstractQuery<T>
      the item to be returned in the subquery result
    • getCorrelatedJoins

      Set<Join<?,?>> getCorrelatedJoins()
      Return the correlated joins of the subquery. Returns empty set if the subquery has no correlated joins. Modifications to the set do not affect the query.
      the correlated joins of the subquery