Class Facelet


public abstract class Facelet extends Object

The parent or root object in a FaceletHandler composition. The Facelet will take care of populating the passed UIComponent parent in relation to the create/restore lifecycle of JSF.

  • Constructor Details

    • Facelet

      public Facelet()
  • Method Details

    • apply

      public abstract void apply(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent parent) throws IOException

      The passed UIComponent parent will be populated/restored in accordance with the Facelets chapter in the spec prose document.

      facesContext - The current FacesContext (Should be the same as FacesContext.getInstance())
      parent - The UIComponent to populate in a compositional fashion. In most cases a Facelet will be base a UIViewRoot.
      IOException - if unable to load a file necessary to apply this Facelet
      FaceletException - if unable to parse the markup loaded in applying this Facelet
      FacesException - if unable to create child UIComponent instances
      ELException - if any of the expressions in the markup loaded during the apply fail