Interface ListJoin<Z,E>

Type Parameters:
Z - the source type of the join
E - the element type of the target List
All Superinterfaces:
Expression<E>, FetchParent<Z,E>, From<Z,E>, Join<Z,E>, Path<E>, PluralJoin<Z,List<E>,E>, Selection<E>, TupleElement<E>

public interface ListJoin<Z,E> extends PluralJoin<Z,List<E>,E>
The ListJoin interface is the type of the result of joining to a collection over an association or element collection that has been specified as a java.util.List.
Java Persistence 2.0
  • Method Details

    • on

      ListJoin<Z,E> on(Expression<Boolean> restriction)
      Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object. Replaces the previous ON condition, if any.
      Specified by:
      on in interface Join<Z,E>
      restriction - a simple or compound boolean expression
      the modified join object
      Java Persistence 2.1
    • on

      ListJoin<Z,E> on(Predicate... restrictions)
      Modify the join to restrict the result according to the specified ON condition and return the join object. Replaces the previous ON condition, if any.
      Specified by:
      on in interface Join<Z,E>
      restrictions - zero or more restriction predicates
      the modified join object
      Java Persistence 2.1
    • getModel

      ListAttribute<? super Z,E> getModel()
      Return the metamodel representation for the list attribute.
      Specified by:
      getModel in interface Path<Z>
      Specified by:
      getModel in interface PluralJoin<Z,List<E>,E>
      metamodel type representing the List that is the target of the join
    • index

      Create an expression that corresponds to the index of the object in the referenced association or element collection. This method must only be invoked upon an object that represents an association or element collection for which an order column has been defined.
      expression denoting the index