
Provides the standard interfaces for accessing performance data from J2EE managed objects

Package Specification

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see:
  • Interfaces
    Specifies standard measurements of the upper and lower limits of the value of an attribute.
    The BoundedRangeStatistic model aggregates the attributes of RangeStatistic and BoundaryStatistic and provides standard measurements of a range that has fixed limits.
    Specifies standard count measurements.
    Specifies statistics provided by all EJB component types.
    Specifies statistics provided by entity beans.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JavaMail resource.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JCA Connection Pool
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JCA connection
    Specifies statistics provided by a JCA resource
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JDBC connection pool.
    Specifies the statistics provided by all (pooled and non-pooled) JDBC connections.
    Statistics provided by a JDBC resource
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JMS connection
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JMS message consumer
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JMS message producer or a JMS message consumer.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JMS message producer
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JMS session.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JMS Resource
    Specifies the statistics provided by a JTA resource.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a Java VM.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a message driven bean.
    Specifies standard measurements of the lowest and highest values an attribute has held as well as its current value.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a Servlet.
    Specifies the statistics provided by session beans of both stateful and stateless types.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a stateful session bean.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a stateless session bean.
    The Statistic model and its sub-models specify the data models which are requried to be used to provide the performance data described by the specific attributes in the Stats models.
    The Stats model and its submodels specify performance data attributes for each of the specific managed object types.
    Specifies standard timing measurements.
    Specifies the statistics provided by a URL resource.