Interface JMSSessionStats

All Superinterfaces:

public interface JMSSessionStats extends Stats
Specifies the statistics provided by a JMS session.
  • Method Details

    • getProducers

      JMSProducerStats[] getProducers()
      Returns an array of JMSProducerStats that provide statistics about the message producers associated with the referencing JMS session statistics.
    • getConsumers

      JMSConsumerStats[] getConsumers()
      Returns an array of JMSConsumerStats that provide statistics about the message consumers associated with the referencing JMS session statistics.
    • getMessageCount

      CountStatistic getMessageCount()
      Number of messages exchanged.
    • getPendingMessageCount

      CountStatistic getPendingMessageCount()
      Number of pending messages.
    • getExpiredMessageCount

      CountStatistic getExpiredMessageCount()
      Number of expired messages.
    • getMessageWaitTime

      TimeStatistic getMessageWaitTime()
      Time spent by a message before being delivered.
    • getDurableSubscriptionCount

      CountStatistic getDurableSubscriptionCount()
      Number of durable subscriptions.