Class UISelectOne

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_TYPE

        The standard component type for this component.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String COMPONENT_FAMILY

        The standard component family for this component.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String INVALID_MESSAGE_ID

        The message identifier of the FacesMessage to be created if a value not matching the available options is specified.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • UISelectOne

        public UISelectOne​()

        Create a new UISelectOne instance with default property values.

    • Method Detail

      • getFamily

        public java.lang.String getFamily​()
        Description copied from class: UIComponent

        Return the identifier of the component family to which this component belongs. This identifier, in conjunction with the value of the rendererType property, may be used to select the appropriate Renderer for this component instance.

        getFamily in class UIInput
      • validateValue

        protected void validateValue​(FacesContext context,
                                     java.lang.Object value)

        In addition to the standard validation behavior inherited from UIInput, ensure that any specified value is equal to one of the available options. Before comparing each option, coerce the option value type to the type of this component's value following the Expression Language coercion rules. If the specified value is not equal to any of the options, enqueue an error message and set the valid property to false.

        If UIInput.isRequired() returns true, and the current value is equal to the value of an inner UISelectItem whose UISelectItem.isNoSelectionOption() method returns true, enqueue an error message and set the valid property to false.

        validateValue in class UIInput
        context - The FacesContext for the current request
        value - The converted value to test for membership.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if context is null