Interface ActionSource

    • Method Detail

      • setActionListener

        void setActionListener​(MethodBinding actionListener)
        Deprecated. This has been replaced by addActionListener(javax.faces.event.ActionListener).

        Wrap the argument actionListener in an implementation of ActionListener and store it in the internal data structure that backs the getActionListeners() method, taking care to over-write any instance that was stored by a previous call to setActionListener.

        Any method referenced by such an expression must be public, with a return type of void, and accept a single parameter of type ActionEvent.

        actionListener - The new method binding expression
      • isImmediate

        boolean isImmediate​()

        Return a flag indicating that the default ActionListener provided by the JavaServer Faces implementation should be executed immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until the Invoke Application phase. The default value for this property must be false.

      • setImmediate

        void setImmediate​(boolean immediate)

        Set the "immediate execution" flag for this UIComponent.

        immediate - The new immediate execution flag
      • addActionListener

        void addActionListener​(ActionListener listener)

        Add a new ActionListener to the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.

        listener - The ActionListener to be added
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if listener is null
      • getActionListeners

        ActionListener[] getActionListeners​()

        Return the set of registered ActionListeners for this ActionSource instance. If there are no registered listeners, a zero-length array is returned.

      • removeActionListener

        void removeActionListener​(ActionListener listener)

        Remove an existing ActionListener (if any) from the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.

        listener - The ActionListener to be removed
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if listener is null