Annotation Type XmlSchema

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface XmlSchema

    Maps a package name to a XML namespace.


    The XmlSchema annotation can be used with the following program elements:

    • package

    This is a package level annotation and follows the recommendations and restrictions contained in JSR 175, section III, "Annotations". Thus the usage is subject to the following constraints and recommendations.

    • There can only be one package declaration as noted in JSR 175, section III, "Annotations".
    • JSR 175 recommends for package level annotations. Jakarta XML Binding Providers that follow this recommendation will allow the package level annotations to be defined in

    Example 1: Customize name of XML namespace to which package is mapped.

        @jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema (
          namespace = ""
        <!-- XML Schema fragment -->
        <!-- prefixes generated by default are implementation
                depedenent -->

    Example 2: Customize namespace prefix, namespace URI mapping

        // Package level annotation
        @jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema (
          xmlns = {
            @jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs(prefix = "po",
        <!-- XML Schema fragment -->

    Example 3: Customize elementFormDefault

        @jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema (
        <!-- XML Schema fragment -->
    1.6, JAXB 2.0
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Fields Description
      static java.lang.String NO_LOCATION
      The default value of the location() attribute, which indicates that the schema generator will generate components in this namespace.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      XmlNsForm attributeFormDefault
      Namespace qualification for attributes.
      XmlNsForm elementFormDefault
      Namespace qualification for elements.
      java.lang.String location
      Indicates that this namespace (specified by namespace()) has a schema already available exeternally, available at this location.
      java.lang.String namespace
      Name of the XML namespace.
      XmlNs[] xmlns
      Customize the namespace URI, prefix associations.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String NO_LOCATION
        The default value of the location() attribute, which indicates that the schema generator will generate components in this namespace.
    • Element Detail

      • xmlns

        XmlNs[] xmlns
        Customize the namespace URI, prefix associations. By default, the namespace prefixes for a XML namespace are generated by a Jakarta XML Binding Provider in an implementation dependent way.
      • namespace

        java.lang.String namespace
        Name of the XML namespace.
      • elementFormDefault

        XmlNsForm elementFormDefault
        Namespace qualification for elements. By default, element default attribute will be absent from the XML Schema fragment.
      • attributeFormDefault

        XmlNsForm attributeFormDefault
        Namespace qualification for attributes. By default, attributesFormDefault will be absent from the XML Schema fragment.
      • location

        java.lang.String location
        Indicates that this namespace (specified by namespace()) has a schema already available exeternally, available at this location.

        This instructs the Jakarta XML Binding schema generators to simply refer to the pointed schema, as opposed to generating components into the schema. This schema is assumed to match what would be otherwise produced by the schema generator (same element names, same type names...)

        This feature is intended to be used when a set of the Java classes is originally generated from an existing schema, hand-written to match externally defined schema, or the generated schema is modified manually.

        Value could be any absolute URI, like It is also possible to specify the empty string, to indicate that the schema is externally available but the location is unspecified (and thus it's the responsibility of the reader of the generate schema to locate it.) Finally, the default value of this property "##generate" indicates that the schema generator is going to generate components for this namespace (as it did in Jakarta XML Binding.)

        Multiple XmlSchema annotations on multiple packages are allowed to govern the same namespace(). In such case, all of them must have the same location() values.

        Note to implementor

        More precisely, the value must be either "", "##generate", or a valid lexical representation of xs:anyURI that begins with <scheme>:.

        A schema generator is expected to generate a corresponding <xs:import namespace="..." schemaLocation="..."/> (or no schemaLocation attribute at all if the empty string is specified.) However, the schema generator is allowed to use a different value in the schemaLocation attribute (including not generating such attribute), for example so that the user can specify a local copy of the resource through the command line interface.

        1.6, JAXB 2.1